Chapter 6: Through the Mist

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Hee Do's POV

"Hee do? Hee do ya?" I hear his voice. The voice I've been longing to hear. I strain to reach for him. It feels like I'm stuck in a thick, viscous pot of sticky honey and I can't move.

I open my eyes and see him. Baek Yi jin. He looks at me with a mix of tears of relief and worry. His hand is warm and comforting against my forehead. He strokes loose strands of my hair gently. Slowly, he leans forward and plants a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Hee do? Hee do! Are you awake?" My mother's voice nudges me awake.

My eyes snap open.

Yi jin. The fleeting image of him arises in my mind. My eyes search anxiously for Yi jin, longing for his presence.

"Hee do? Can you see me?" My mother asks worriedly.

"Where... where is Yi jin?" I ask weakly. It feels like there's a lump in my throat and I can barely breathe.

"This crazy girl..." My mother mutters under her breath. "You just fainted and you're asking where Yi jin is?" My mother exclaims with disbelief.

It must have been a dream...

"Where am I?" I ask as I try to sit up. My mother immediately rushes to help me up.

"Do you remember? You fainted during training." My mother explains.

"Ah... I see..." I say and rub my head. "Umma," I start.

"What is it?" She asks me. "Does it hurt?" She asks worriedly.

"Have you heard anything about Yi jin?" I ask. My mother looks taken aback. She looks almost angry.

"Is that why you fainted? Because you're worried about him? You've gone through the toughest of trainings and this...!" My mother sighs.

"I haven't heard any news about him yet." Her voice is softer now when she sees my worn out expression. "But I'm doing all that I can, Hee do. I've asked the senior board and everyone whom I could possibly ask..." She says.

"Thank you Umma." I say weakly.

"You need to get some rest." My mother instructs me and helps me lay back down.

"You must wake me up the moment you hear anything about Yi jin, okay?" I ask her.

"You-" My mother protests.

"Umma. Please." I beg. "Promise me you will." I ask again, feeling my strength escape like water flowing down a drain.


"Hee do... Hee do ya?" I hear his voice again.

I open my eyes. Our eyes meet and it feels unreal. His soft gaze that has the brightness of a thousand fireflies. "Hee do? Are you awake?" He asks gently. He touches my hair softly.

I want to call out his name. But it's too good to be true... This must be a dream.

"I must be dreaming." I sigh.

"Hm?" He asks with a confused look.

"At least I get to see you in my dreams... Don't wake me up." I sigh. "I'm so happy I get to see you, even if it's just a dream."

"Hee do ya... What are you talking about? This isn't a dream. I'm here." Yi jin says. It feels like I've been staring through a misty glass but Yi Jin's voice clears the mist and fog. I can see clearly now.

"Yi jin?" I gasp and reach out for him. He holds my hand in his and warmth radiates through my body. I touch his cheek lightly. Yi jin gazes at me with a smile and tears in his eyes.

"It's really you!" I exclaim and sit up. "IT'S REALLY YOU! I'M NOT DREAMING RIGHT!" I hold Yi jin's face in my hands.

Yi jin gathers me in his arms and hugs me tightly. I can feel the residual nervousness he must have felt from his rapid breathing and the quick beating of his heart. I hug him tightly and feel all the tension leave my body.

"What happened to you? I saw the news about New York!" I say and start looking at Yi jin frantically to check for any signs of injury. Yi jin laughs softly and holds my hands in his.

"I wasn't in the building when the bombing happened. So I'm okay." Yi jin smiles and tugs a piece of loose hair behind my ear.

"Then how are you here?" I ask, wondering again whether this could be a dream.

"They wanted us to return to Korea first and wait for the situation to settle down." Yi jin explains.

"Ah... so you'll be going back when everything is settled?" I ask. Even if Yi jin can only stay in Korea for a day, I'll still be so grateful.

"No." Yi jin says firmly. "I'm not going back. I'm not going to leave you anymore."

A few hours ago...

Yi Jin's POV

"Wah, doesn't it feel so good to be back in Korea?" Sunbae lets out a big sigh of relief as we step out of the arrival hall at the airport.

I look around and feel a great sense of lightness. It feels so good to be home.

"Ah right, that reminds me. Your phone got destroyed in the building right?" Sunbae asks me.

"Yes, that's right."

"Here, take this. It's the company's phones. They give spare phones in situations when reporters need a source of contact." Sunbae says as he passes me one. "But headquarters have given us the weekend off, in acknowledgment of our hard work in New York. You probably won't need the spare phone but I thought you should take it in case."

"We get the weekend off?" I ask excitedly.

"Why? Do you have somewhere to be?" Sunbae asks.

"Of course! Thank you Sunbae! I'll see you on Monday!" I exclaim excitedly. I don't stop to wave goodbye as I sprint off. 

25... and Forever (Twenty Five Twenty One Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz