Chapter 8: Rest Now

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Hee do's POV

"You REALLY just hung up the phone?! Just like that?!" I look at Yi jin in disbelief as he recounts the story of how he hung up on a call from UBS.

"Mhm!" Yi jin nods and looks quite pleased at himself.

"Aren't you going to get into trouble for this?" I ask him. I have an expression of shock but deep down inside, I'm secretly happy that he's here with me.

Yi jin sits next to me in the hospital bed. Both of us are propped up comfortably with ice cream in our hands. Yi jin stretches his arm out across the pillow and I rest my head comfortably on his shoulder.

"Aish, I've covered so many last-minute stories for UBS already. I've done my fair share." Yi jin says in a relaxed manner as he eats ice cream. "But I must say, are you sure you're allowed to eat ice cream? You're sick!" He says.

"You heard the doctor, she said I fainted from low blood sugar."

"She said you were suffering from malnutrition." Yi jin corrects.

"It's the same thing." I say and flash a cheeky smile. "Besides, I've been craving ice cream."

Yi jin smiles affectionately and smears ice cream on the tip of my nose.

"YA!" I exclaim while he laughs heartily. "Baek Yi jin! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH!" I pretend to slap him.

"Ah! That hurts! Are you sure you're sick? You sure don't seem like a sick person!" Yi jin yelps.

"I told you so many times already. I'm all better!" I say. "Look at me! I'm the pink of health."

"Well, you almost scared the life out of me. Do you have any idea how scared I was when Seung wan told me that you had FAINTED and that you were in HOSPITAL!" Yi jin exclaims.

"I wouldn't say I fainted... I just tripped and... and." I attempt to ease Yi jin's worries. "Ah, alright. Alright. I won't faint again." I promise. Yi jin looks at me like he doesn't believe me.

"Eat your ice cream." I add as I fiddle with a tissue and try to wipe the ice cream off my nose. Yi jin takes the tissue from me and wipes the ice cream off my nose.
"Are you sure you cleaned it off this time?" I look at him suspiciously.

"Yes ma'am." Yi jin jokes before kissing my nose lightly.

I can't help but grin at him.

"I can't believe you're really here." I say as I lean in closer to Yi jin. His hand wraps around my shoulder protectively. Yi jin presses his lips against my head. He strokes my hair gently as his lips move down to my cheek.

I look up at him and smile softly. Our eyes connect and electricity courses through my veins. I've never felt so alive. I tilt my head back as he presses his lips against mine. I feel Yi jin smile against my lips when I kiss him back.

"Get some rest." Yi jin coaxes me.

"Will you stay with me?" I ask him as I lie down. Yi jin smiles and lies down next to me. Automatically, I crawl into his embrace and bury my head in his chest.

"Of course." He says.

"Baek Yi jin." I whisper as sleep starts to draw over me.

"Hm?" Yi jin replies.

"Whenever I couldn't fall asleep at the training centre, I would always listen to your voice recordings from the broadcasting system." I whisper before the rhythmic rising and descending of Yi jin's chest lulls me into a peaceful sleep.


Yi Jin's POV

"You can do this!" I tell myself as I stand in the lobby of UBS. It's been three days since I came back to Korea. I only put the batteries back into my phone after Hee do was discharged.

47 missed calls.

I already know what sort of scolding or punishment is awaiting me when I go back to work...

"You can do this!" I try to convince myself against the nagging fear that I'm going to get chewed up by my seniors once I set foot into the office.

"AH! Who am I kidding... THEY'RE GONNA KILL ME!" I groan and feel like pulling out my hair. Saying a quick prayer, I make my way to the office.

I feel like a sheep walking towards the slaughter as I approach the office. With each step, I walk closer to my inevitable doom.

I step into the office awkwardly and quietly. Maybe if they don't see me, it'll be as if nothing happened.

"Ah, look who it is." Sunbae catches sight of me the moment I step in.

"Sunbae..." I greet him solemnly.

"What's with the solemn expression?" He asks.

"Well... I... Erm..." I rub my neck awkwardly.

"Let me guess, you ignored the supervisor's calls." He asks. I nod.

"Sunbae, I'm sorry. I really am." I apologize. "But I can't drop everything everytime the phone rings... My girlfriend was hospitalized... I had to be there with her." I add softly.

The suspense is killing. I can imagine the harsh scolding that's about to be lashed on me.

"Well it's a good thing that you're not going back to New York then." Sunbae says.

"What?" I look up at him in shock. He grins at me.

"Headquarters made the decision today. It's their way of penalizing you for ignoring a call." He explains. "Most people would see that as a punishment, but I think in your case, I'm guessing it's a pleasant surprise."

"But Sunbae... aren't I in trouble?" I ask.

"Could you at least look a bit sad? Wipe that smile off your face." Sunbae nags.

"Ah yes, sorry." I say, trying to frown.

"But yes, you're going to cover for me today... as punishment." He grins at me before walking off.

"Ah! Sunbae..." I exclaim in protest. 

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