Chapter 56 : His Apology

Start from the beginning

"You didn't know? He broke up with Aishu Di." She said. "She's been pretty sad."

Nikhil exchanged a look with Sharanya.

"I wasn't aware." Nikhil replied. "So, uh, um, you have college tomorrow?" He asked changing the topic quickly.

Sharanya was surprised at the way he was smoothly making conversation and handling the situation. It wasn't the first time in the evening that her sister had mentioned their estranged sister. Before Nikhil had come, they had a lengthy conversation around Aisha— as she called herself these days.

Akshaya was convincing her to let go the past and talk to her. But nothing could melt Sharanya's resolve. She didn't want that person to come back into her life.

"No, thank God for that. But I have a lot of assignments." Akshaya spoke up.

"Then why don't you stay over. You can go back tomorrow morning." Nikhil suggested.

Akshaya looked at her sister with a growing smile. "That's a good idea. As it is it's been a while... I miss our bed conversations and annoying you."

Sharanya smiled a little, "okay, but remember there's ample of space to sleep in this house. So if you irritate me, I have other options."

Nikhil's smile faltered. He had suggested that she stay over and sleep in the guest bedroom. Not sleep with his wife. But the two women had different ideas. Why did he have to talk! He smiled stuffing his mouth with food.

Sharanya was a little confused. Was he trying to avoid her? Had she become so intolerable suddenly? She let it pass. She was tired of thinking about what he felt, what he thought, what was on his mind. Marriage could be a hard thing to deal with on some days.

After dinner, Akshaya sat in the loving room, she was busy texting away on her phone. Nikhil quickly seized the opportunity and made his way to the kitchen to have a conversation with Sharanya. She was winding up the kitchen, wiping the wet utensils.

She looked up at him as he entered the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Chocolate is over," she said pointedly. Remembering the bunch of dark chocolates he had given to Akshaya.

"Yeah," He muttered shutting the door of the refrigerator. "We should start keeping extras." He replied.

He stood beside her. "So, umm, what was up with you and Akshu out there?"

Sharanya looked up at him as he picked up a wet plate and handed it to her. Since when did Nikhil start addressing her sister by the nickname.

"Nothing much," she shrugged, taking the plate.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking at her keenly, as he forwarded the next plate.

"Yes, I am." She answered looking down, moving her hand to take the plate. However, he pulled it away and she looked up at him.

"You don't. .."

"Di, do you want some chocolate?" Cane a loud voice interrupting Nikhil, they turned to find Akshaya approaching them. Nikhil stepped a little away.

"How come you are offering to share?" Sharanya remarked managing to wear a weak smile. Her eyes darted back to Nikhil for a few seconds. He looked right back at her. They had been exchanging quite a lot of these gazes.

"Well, it's not everyday I get to spend time with you." She said feeding Sharanya. "Besides, I always share. You don't!" Akshaya then turned to Nikhil telling him how Sharanya was very possessive when it came to chocolates, offering him some chocolate too.

Sharanya gaped at her sister.

Nikhil broke a small piece and took it. "Thanks!" He said popping it in his mouth while looking at Sharanya. She looked adorable.

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