special chapter (part two.)

Start from the beginning

Head turned, I took a look at Atsumu. He looked nervous yet he was also the one who insisted to come here. To meet him. My hand found his and I held his hand firmly, trying to comfort him.

"We can come here next time if you're not ready" I shot a smile, trying to calm him. I knew Atsumu. He was just nervous. Maybe it's because of what happened and it's also been years since the last time they meet.

Atsumu looked at me and smiled, shaking his head after. "It's fine. I'll be seeing him today" he nodded his head.

Hand in hand, Astumu led me towards the entrance door of Suna's residency. He might not know but I did notice the little deep breath he took before he hit the bell.

Footsteps were heard nearing the door as I watched the doorknob being twisted before it was slid open, revealing the fox-eyed guy standing behind it.

"A... Atsumu..." that was the first word that came from Suna. Can't blame him, he was surely surprised to see his former enemy standing right in front of him.

"It's been a while, Suna" Atsumu's lips curved, giving him one sweet smile.

"Who is it love?" another familiar voice approached the black-haired man before she caught the sight of me and Atsumu. "Oh my God, y/n!" she greeted me with a wide grin as soon as she saw me.

"What a surprise to have you both here. Come in" she offered, pulling the door wider for us to step in. I took a glance up at Atsumu, squeezing his hand gently.

"Come in, make yourself at home" said Suna as he led us into their house.

It was a pretty average house, perfectly fit for a couple, and a child of course. From what I know, Suna came from a loaded family but he once said that he's not someone who's depending on his family's wealth, and that's one thing I respect about him the most. An independent man.

I took a seat next to Atsumu, hand still holding his. I might not show it, but I was indeed feeling nervous. It's really been a while since we sit down properly like this.

"Honey, I'll go get some drinks for everyone mhm?" Akari rubbed Suna's shoulder as he took a seat on another couch near to where we were seated. Suna replied to his wife with a soft hum before the lady made her way toward the kitchen.

It was an awkward silence, but it was understandable. Of course, it'd be an awkward situation for both Atsumu and Suna since the last time they meet, they weren't in a good term.

"I didn't know you were back here" it was a gentle move from Suna to be the first one who breaks the ice. Atsumu hummed, smiling at him. "I got here a month ago but I got so busy driving back and forth to Tokyo for the national team. Packed schedule" Atsumu cackled, resulting the other male snorting and smirking after.

"You and your cocky ass, they're still there huh?" he quirked an eyebrow.

I didn't talk much, just letting these two best friends have their own catch-up sesh. Honestly, it felt great to see them finally getting to talk comfortably. More like, it'd be better if this stays forever rather than having their friendship ruined just because of a small matter.

The conversation between Atsumu and Suna stopped when we heard a baby's wail coming from one of the rooms. It was Arisa. Maybe she's woken up from her nap or most likely hungry.

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