UA exam and unwanted reunion

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As Izuku and Momo singed the marriage papers momo wanted to live with Izuku so they can be together more and Izuku didn't mind since she was his fiancé. With Izumi and her crew they were mad or pissed off that their recommendation for cancel and beyond that everyone who was involved got blacklisted and sent to juvenile for their crimes along with the teachers as they went to jail. The school got shut down for what has happen for izuku luckily Momo had transfer in her second year because she kept on getting harassed by shoto. She told him about what shoto did to her and he told her she doesn't have to worry because he will handle him.

With Izumi and her group

Izumi: why did we have to bully Oni-Chan again cause I see that we fucked up our recommendation.

Katuski: because that fucking dek- got smacked by his twin.

Katsumi: it wasn't his fault it was yours you were the reason why we bully him and we see that you didn't want him to stop you wanted him to die and don't forget you told him to tie by jumping off the roof. And for the first time daddy cuss us out. You literally made my life worst I wanted ichan to not die but it ended up as we hated him because of your dumbass.

Izumi: yea dumbass.

Katsumi: I don't know why you even trying to side with me you were right with him and you decided to lie so much that they believe you and have him disowned what were you thinking.

Izumi: I didn't want him to be a hero.

Katsumi: and by lying on him you knew damn well that he didn't hurt us and yet you decided to do that?

Izumi: shut up bitch you were there too it was either you were with us or we told them that it was your idea.

Shoka: sigh* I knew it was a bad idea we should've been there then having to bully him and think he would be scared so you even know that we made his life hell to begin with now he has a story that he survived all of this just because we hated him for being a hero.

Shoto: I don't see why y'all are bitching he is weak to begin with.

The girls: you don't fucking get it we are the weakest ones how are we gonna be hero's and we can't even protect Izuku without using out quirk you asshole.

Shoto: you really are willing to protect the weak what's gotten into y'all?

Nezu: what's gotten into them is that they are not in it for fame tou half and half dumbass you may be the #2 hero son but don't think I can stop you for becoming a hero. Because I'll say this a hero is willing to protect and you 2 *points at Shoto and Katuski * are not fit to be hero's.

Katuski: and what gives you the right to say that huh you damn rat?

Nezu: the Japanese hero commissioner.

As he said that they came out and literally gave them blacklist and sent to juvenile that's ready for them to go to prison when they get older.

Nezu: are you 3 willing want to join them that set for them to prison when you get older?

Girls: no sir we are not.

Nezu: good have y'all learned your lesson?

Izumi: yes we have.

Shoka: what will happen if we find Zuzu?

Katsumi: we are gonna marry him and not have him be a hero and a stay at home husband.

Izumi: I like that idea.

Shoka: who said that you are having him?

Izumi: what you mean by that?

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