Realization reuion with loved one

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After Kakashi took Izuku under his wing as a mentor and son he took him to the Leaf village where he can train him mostly everything he knows and since that he is intelligent he took them to the school where both Naruto and Sasuke went to and surprisingly he did the ninjutsu Kakashi taught him basically and he went threw basic training on his charka in Elementary scho and he passed with flying colors and since there were no middle or highschool Kakashi taught him the same way he taught the other 3 but he didn't do the bell since it was just him.
1-2 years
Izuku learned how to charka and working the last month he mastered how to use it.

3-4 years
Izuku mastered his shadow clone and switcharoo with people and objects.

5-6 years

Kakashi taught Izuku how to use all of the sharingan to its max and taught him all of his abilities to the point where Izuku is starting ti look like him same scar and everything.

7-8 years

Kakashi taught Izuku since he was done with his Sharingan technique so he teaching him everything and everyone about things in life and Izuku was taking most things to life.

While Izuku was with Kakashi momo on the other hand was depressed she didn't talk to no one but her parents because Izuku was gone and she felt useless. She made up her mind that she will be a hero just in case Izuku doesn't make it back or if he does. She has been straining day and night at a certain time. She goes to school and talk to no one unless it was the teacher she was cold and ruthless to others that grabbed a certain half and half that bullied and got Izuku disowned. He asked her out and she said no many of times and she left but she was lucky enough to get away from the half n half but she wasn't lucky to get away from the slime monster. But before all this happen we go to the Yagis who are now enjoying themselves and not caring about anything in the world.

Inko: honey can you pass the salt.

Assmight: sure *was about to pass it until they heard a knock*

Assmight: I'll get it.

As he went towards the door he saw everyone there that was related to them.

Assmight: nice to see y'all here what brings y'all here.

Aizawa: we are here to see my nephew?

Inko: nephew? What do you mean?

Everyone gasped that Inko said that.

Gran Torino: Izuku your son the oldest one we are here because it's the twins birthday.

Inko now realized along with all might that they had forgotten about Izuku and to make it all worst Inko and branded him and disowned him without a care in the world about his side of they story.

Inko:*crying* my baby boy.

Everyone was confused on why she was crying.

Endeavor: Inko why are you crying you haven't done anything bad.

Inko: yes we have we've been neglecting him and what come to worst we branded him.

Everyone was shocked that they branded Izuku until Gran Torino smacked all might in the head and got a full beat down from the rest of the guys.


All might: Izumi told us he was bullying her and her friends with marks on her and crying.

Nezu: Izumi is that true?

Izumi:*fake crying* yes he did.

Detective T: lie

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