Chapter 8

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A/N: Canon divergence in this chapter. I know how it goes but, I changed it


You told Inosuke of your plan and, he was confused at first but, got the whole gist of it once you explained it in detail to him. He was excited for you. 

"Do you think a couple of them wouldn't mind having two Omega's?" It was just the two of you again so, he was always honest with you. You looked at him surprised. He simply pouted with a flush looking off to the side. 

"Who do you have in mind? Because if I have to share with anyone I would much rather it be you. We are already soulmates! It would feel so right with you." He grinned at that bumping his head with yours. 

"I was thinking...maybe Kyoujuro, Tengen, and Genya...Giyu would be okay too but, the others I don't know." He was nervous which was fine and, understandable. You hummed thinking about everything really trying to come up with a plan. 

"I feel we can tag team those four together. The other ones I will do by myself." Gyomei wasn't menacing in the slightest to you so maybe...? "How do you feel about Himejima-San?" He hummed nibbling the bottom of his lip a bit before shrugging 

"We never really had a conversation so I do not know how to feel about him. You can tell he is the sweetest though. Very kind, passive, calm. I would go to him whenever I am feeling overwhelmed, confused you know the works." You thoroughly enjoy seeing this side of Inosuke. Everyone else got the rabid side of him but, you got the real him. The one who doesn't play dumb and irrational all the time. 

"Gyomei sounds like a great possibility for us as well." The two of you talked some more before both of you were pulled away. He was sent on a mission with Tanjiro and Zenitsu while you were sent to oversee the injured demon slayers. The Hashira's were ruthless in their training. Made your bones ache. They all came in grumbling, limping, and, bleeding. A demon would leave them dead. They did need to train. Even though the Hashira compare them to themselves which is like comparing a stray cat to a tiger. 

"I don't see what the Hashira's see in you." You turned your head to the right to see a very pissed-off Tsuchinoe. There were 10 ranks in the demon slayer corps and a Tsuchinoe is rank number 5. Interesting. "They can do so much better than having someone like you as their personal Omega." You rolled your eyes ignoring him. He was just pissed that he got his ass handed to him.

"Why on God's green Earth would you bad mouth her? The one who heals us?" He sucked his teeth not caring in the slightest. He really should.

"It's the only thing she's good at. Anything else she can offer you can get from an Oiran." The glass medicine bottle you had in your hand broke with how hard you squeezed it. It went flying hitting him in the face. Before he can say anything else you were in front of him glaring at him. You grabbed him by his neck bringing him up with you as you stood up. He was dangling trying to get out of your death grip. Your hand hurt from the glass which pissed you off even more.

"You're a shit Alpha. Maybe we Omega's wouldn't have to learn how to cook, clean, and do medical work if Alpha's like you knew how to use anything other than your dick. Oiran's wouldn't exist if Alpha's like you had anything else to offer." You squeezed him tighter feeling the glass dig deeper into your hands. "Your mother is turning in her grave knowing she fucked every dick she saw to feed you and this is how you turned out. How embarrassing." You dropped him on the floor. You threw the medical supplies he needed at him "Do it your fucking self. Clearly, you suck at wielding a sword, maybe you can fix yourself correctly." You finished with the others ignoring the blood all over the place and, left. You were still angry. 

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