Chapter 5

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A/N: I am making up a name and, how he looks for Tengen's remaining brother and father. Also, made up your past family because almost everything in Demon Slayer is tragic.


To say you were nervous was an understatement. You sat on the floor watching Tengen, Shinobu, Tanjiro, and, Rengoku look and move their legs worriedly. You didn't like how anxious and, worried all of them were. This was all your fault because you got kidnapped. You really needed to learn some self-defense. Well, better than what you did know. 

"The person who kidnapped you is some sort of ninja, they had kunai." Your eyes turned sharply to the people in the room. Now, it made sense why Tengen was here. Your eyes narrowed a bit in suspicion.

"It was not Tengen's wives. They are way too sweet to ever do something like that." You felt the need to protect his wive's reputation. They didn't choose to become kunoichi the same way Tengen didn't choose to be a shinobi. They were all forced. Tengen looked at you with a grateful smile. 

"I appreciate your concern for his family but, fear, not the kunai we retrieved from your person did not carry any of his wives scents or his own. Therefore we are dealing with someone entirely different." That was Shinobu talking with her light smile. That smile always made you queasy because it was so fake. Tengen and Kyo were pretty close so that explained why he was here and, Tanjiro can tell if someone is lying. 

"So, do you guys have any idea who it could be?" You saw Tengen frown hard looking away while Kyo laid a hand comfortingly on his knee. Now you were confused. If they knew who it was how come it was only them? Why can't all of the Hashira know about this? 

"...My brother." Both you and Tanjiro whipped your heads towards him who finally met your eyes. His brother?? You blinked having flashbacks to when you were younger. You remember a man who looked like a stern and very angry Tengen with dead eyes along with a boy who was a spitting image of said man but, instead had soft black hair instead of silver. They were mean. Bullied your family. Tried taking your sister to force her to have kids before she killed herself. They both forced themselves on your mother forcing you to watch because you were too young to bear children. The only mercy you ever had.

"Y/N!" You jumped screaming a bit coming back to Earth. Tanjiro was behind you hugging you by the shoulders in a comforting manner. "You're okay? You kind of disappeared there and started smelling sad." You gave him a look thinking about how you never told him about that incident. Your family was attacked by shinobi. 

"I have a couple of questions for you Tengen." You bit your lip hard looking at him but, not quite in the eyes. "Your brother wouldn't happen to look like you with red eyes, and soft black hair and your...sperm donor wouldn't happen to look like you either but, way meaner and with dead red  eyes?" He was flabbergasted. He was trying for words but, none came to him. You sighed, your heart beating erratically. You knew he can hear it. "Your brother's name wouldn't happen to be Hattori and your father Fuji." His eyes widen in shock at you as you nodded. Of course. 

"How do you know that." You licked your lips seeing black spots in your vision from how high your anxiety just went. Of all people. Them. It had to be them. How unfortunate for such a sweet man like Tengen to be related to them. "Y/N...Please, how do you know them?" He had crawled on his hands and feet to lean in front of you cupping your cheeks to look at him. "Please. It's very important." 

"When I was younger they came looking for wives. I do not know where my dad was. It was me, my sister and my mother. They tried taking my sister to have babies with but...she killed herself. They...forced themselves on my mother and, took her...Her corpse was found by villagers...The only reason I was not taken was that I was too young but, they promised to come to get me when I am of age...It seemed they were not lying." Your voice was monotone as you brought up buried painful memories. You were unaware of a pair of arms being wrapped around you in a comforting hug.

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