Chapter 9

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It roamed through the woods jumping from tree to tree chasing the pray it deemed worthy of eating with the victim in it's sight it jumped landing onto the man who was already injured from a slash to the gut the thing didn't waste no time tearing into the helpless man his screams echoed throughout the woods, Y/N jolted from his sleep it near enough close to morning his mind was racing "What the hell was that?" he questioned getting off the ground.

(Y/N Pov)

Henry and Joel were already awake when i walked through "Morning" i waved at both of them Henry was making breakfast stirring a pot of food "So kid, I heard Sam walked in on a moment between you and Ellie" Joel spoke up making me bury my hands in face "Oh god" i said trying not to look at him.

"It's ok kid we understand" Joel patted me on the back going back to his reading "Damn, That smells good" Ellie said yawning awake "It's almost ready" Henry replied with as he continued to stir the pot me and Ellie exchange looks clearly too nervous to talk about last night "Where's Sam" i decided to ask Henry to bring down the awkward feeling.

"I let him sleep in, But he should be up now" Henry continued to stir the pot while Ellie went to wake up Sam I looked out the window thinking about my dream it felt so real i was suddenly pulled from my overthinking "Sam!" Ellie screamed.

The door slammed open Sam tackled Ellie to the floor he had turned into an infected "Shit, He's turnin!" Joel yelled reaching into his bag for a gun when Henry shot at Joel to keep him for aiming at Sam, I pulled Sam off Ellie throwing him at the wall i planned to grab my bat but Sam rushed at me slamming me into the wall i tried reaching for my bat when blood splattered across my face.

Henry shot Sam i crouched down giving Ellie a hug "Sam?" Henry said his voice indicated how sad he was "Henry..." Joel tried called to Henry as he began to cry "I'm Gonna get that gun for you, okay?" Joel approached Henry with caution there was only three way this could end right now Henry pointed his gun at Joel until he turned it on himself pulling the trigger i shielded Ellie from by tuckering her into me "I hate this world".


"Jackson County. Means we're close to Jackson city, right?" as we passed a sign "Shouldn't be long now" i said trying my shoes "You ready to see dear, old brother?" Ellie asked "I don't know what I'm feeling".

"I bet your nervous"

"I don't know what I'm feeling" Joel replied with as we continued walking following the river "So, what happened between you two? Ellie decided to ask about his brother "We just had a bit of a disagreement. that's all" "Oh here we go... So what was it about?.

"Tommy saw the world one way. I saw it the other"

"And that's why he joined the fireflies"

"Yeah. Your friend Marlene promised him hope, That kept him busy for a while, but just like Tommy he eventually quit that too".

"How was it last time the last time you saw him?"

"I believe his last words to me were i don't ever want to see your god damned face again"

"Jeez. But he's gonna help us"

"Suppose we'll find out"

I thought back to the many occasions i said that to my sister after our arguments "He will help us all siblings say that to each other" i said as we continued walking "Want to make a bet" i whispered to Ellie "You know it" She replied with. "I bet his brother will punch him when they see each other again" i said to her "I bet they will hug" Me and Ellie shacked hands to confirm the bet.

We came across a hydroelectric power plant Joel tried his best to explain to Ellie what it is and what it does i pick locked a door open searching for any scraps but nothing i could hear Joel grunting and a mechanical device going off.

I helped him turn the wheel bringing up one part of our path across "Getting too old Joel" i said to him watching him heavy breathing "Could still kick your ass" Joel replied with making us both chuckle " How do we get to the other side" Ellie asked "I say Joel jumps in the water and use your magical skill of finding pallets i smirked saying that as Joel shout me a look of annoyance Joel only proved me right when he emerged from the water with a pallet.

Ellie turned the other wheel completing the path for Me and Joel to cross "look at that I'm not wet" i joked to Ellie making Joel rap his arms around me "Should of kept that mouth of yours shut kid" He let go as i punched him in the shoulder "I deserve that" i said to them we eventually reached a gate when a people appeared holding weapons "Don't even think about reaching for your weapon" as i backed my hand away from my holster "Ellie put your gun down" i said to her.

Joel explained our situation "Through to where?" She asked but was stopped by a mans voice "They're alright" he said "What, you know these people" she asked the man as the door began to open "I know him. He's my goddamn brother". the door opened enough to show a man "Tommy" Joel said as they hugged "I guess this means you lost the bet" Ellie whispered to me and i shock my head "Fine, this means i owe you a favour" i said back to her "This is Maria" Tommy introduced the woman.

Joel: Ma'am. Thanks for now blowing my head off

Maria: Would've been embarrassing, considering you're my brother in law

Tommy: We all gotta get wrangled up at some point

Maria: Ellie and Y/N right?

Ellie: Yes

Y/N: Yes

Maria: What brings you through here?

Ellie: It's a long story 

"Why don't we bring them inside" Tommy said "Yeah you guys hungry" I looked at Ellie "She does" right on cue her belly rumbled indicating she was indeed starving "I need food" Ellie said and Maria brought us inside "False alarm. They're friendlies. We've been dealing with raids. Lots of bandits in this area".

Ellie became fascinated seeing horses she run to pet them i couldn't help looking at her face it was adorable i walked up and began petting them too "They're so beautiful" Ellie remarked completely obsessed with them "Y/N" i heard someone shout there voice sounded so familiar i turned to see my sister standing with a hunting rifle the same shocked expression across our faces we both froze looking at each other.

"I never thought this is how i would meet my sister again.  

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