Chapter 8

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Y/N desperately crawled out the freezing cold water feeling all the pain in his arm he leaned against a rock shivering and coughing from the water Ellie and Joel were nowhere to be seen at the moment "Ellie, Joel!" Y/N screamed trying find them but that wasn't the most smartest idea two infected jumped out from the brushes bent on attacking Y/N when a shot hit them both with Henry standing there letting out a sigh of relief Sam hid behind him.

Y/N was angry to see them again after the fact they left him to die Y/N pulled out his revolver when he noticed it was jammed by weeds "Look we screwed up by leaving you guys behind but at the moment we decided to come back" Henry said with his left hand raised "Help me find the other and maybe you'll be okay in my book" Y/N snarled back at them "Fair" Sam said.

Y/N walked forward cleaning the wound on his arm before bandaging it up again with Henry taking note of how quiet Y/N was "Your friends will be okay" Henry was trying to reassure Y/N everything was okay and giving how he felt about Henry there wasn't a lot of love or trust "You better hope they're alright because if not i will hold you responsible since if you didn't abandon us we wouldn't have got stuck at the bridge with that tank" Y/N said being cruel he sped up walking so he didn't have to keep talking to them.

(Y/N Pov)

"Ellie, Joel" i shouted seeing them lying by a river bank Henry tended to Joel giving him a few shake before he looked at me and gave me a head nod i rubbed my hands over Ellie's face until i decided to do CPR not realising i was technically kissing her when Ellie let out a chain of gasps quickly catching her breath.

"Calm down I'm here it's me Y/N" I said to Ellie rubbing my hand down her back "Y/N, I'm happy to see you i was so scared" she hugged me back before she looked at me "Did you kiss me?".

"I had to do CPR so technically it wasn't a real kiss" I would have said anything in the moment to change the subject "Better than kissing a worm" i chuckled making her smile i helped her up to her feet Ellie sat down next to me while we waited for Joel to wake up "So, did you guys like kissing?" Sam said with a grin on his face both me and Ellie faces went red from embarrassment "Sam stay with me let them rest" Henry interrupted thank god he did because it couldn't have gotten anymore awkward.

"It's beautiful when your not swimming around it" Ellie remarked with her head on my shoulder "Anytime I'm near a river first thing i always do is skip stones" thinking back to all those times at the cabin it was peaceful quiet and isolated from anybody else I still hung on to the keys which allow me access to the cabin "You want to do that right now" Ellie suggested to me since i think she knew what i was thinking "I would love to" i sat up walking over to the river to scan for any worthy stones.

"You ever done this before" i asked her skipping my first stone in flawless action i got to see Ellie's shocked expression it was cute "Once or twice" she threw the stone getting two skips off the water "Alright, come here I'm about to teach you a life skills here" i held out my hand for her to take Ellie accepted my hand letting me position her stance with the right placement of her arm "Now when you swing this arm imagine how far you want the stone to go" in a swift motion Ellie skipped the stone in perfect action after she jumped up and down from excitement It was broken up by Sam "Guys he's awake" He shouted.

"See, what'd i tell you" Henry seemed proud of himself Joel stood up with a look i recognised all too well "Henry is big trouble" I whispered to Ellie just when Joel pushed Henry to the floor and pulled out his gun "Knew you were going to do that" i said sternly shooting a glare at Joel to leave him alone Henry frantically mumbled his words trying to think of something to say.

Henry: Look I'm sorry we left you but you guys had a better chance of surviving and you did, But there was no way i was going to put him in danger[Henry Points to Sam]

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