Chapter 0

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(The Chapter picture is what Y/N wears before the events to come)

Y/N- 14


D/N- 42


(Disclaimer lot of the things in this story are similar with the story but no all of it like some things will be changed including how the ending is)

(Third person Pov)

Y/N loved the outdoors around the base his father took him out hunting for food on occasion while his mother worked in the doctors office treating anybody that needed it Y/N had a twin sister who was adapt at fixing things like guns cars etc.

Y/N kept to himself most of the time not wanting to get attached since In this world you can lose anybody with a flick of the wrist, Y/N's father helped get track of the base like he was leader only thing is Y/N did not get on with his family he hated them all since they paid more attention to his sister than him.
Y/N resented his father out of all of them the two of them butted heads more than once his mother thought pairing them up to do hunting could bring them close together which it didn't it only made things worse.

Y/N: why am I doing this again?
D/N: You have to always put the hook through the worm or it'll just jump off the hook
Y/N: I'm not here to bond old man just to get dinner
D/N: Why can't you be more like you're sister
Y/N: I wonder why

They headed back to base after catching a few fish enough for dinner at least D/N waved a fish at his son hoping for him to laugh instead Y/N brushed it off and kept on track ignoring his father just to hear a sigh come from him.
Back at the bass M/N was desperately trying to clean a person wounds to keep them from turning she didn't really know if cutting the arm off could save this poor soul but it was all for nothing the person jumper up like freak would meaning she had to put it down.

"This never gets any easier" she thought sipping on a glass of rum hopefully my husband is back soon a hate drinking alone.

Y/N walked a stretch of road whistling the whole way his father eyed some mysterious purple plant inspecting it clearly thrusting his knife into it just for to release toxic gas causing D/N to begin coughing clutching at his chest Y/N ran to his fathers side picking him up slinging his arm over him.

M/N heard all the commotion from outside leaving her office to see her son struggling to balance her husband until many of the other man took hold of him "Bring him to me quickly" she said so the other got him onto a gurney wheeling towards the operating room.

Y/N freaked out hands on his face he may not of gotten along with father but at the end of the day he still loved him he made his way to where his Sister was stationed to inform of her of the events "Get ready for a shouting" he thought.

S/N: What do you mean something happened to him?

Y/N: A don't know we we're walking suddenly he collapsed

S/N: Is he infected?

Y/N: We didn't come into any contact with those freaks so a don't think so


Y/N: Blame me like usual you know what i'm done with this go see him yourself

S/N: Y/N wait

Y/N made his way outside tears rolling down his face just to be confronted with hordes of runners jumping on top of people they were under attack the watch looked to be destroyed probably why the alarm wasn't sounded Y/N raced over to the armoury grabbing a assault rifle and sniper rifle mowing down however many he could.

S/N obstructed people to evacuate out the relief tunnels before the situation could get any worse she wanted to find her family both of her parents resided in the operating theatre M/N trying her hardest to treat her husband bulges were appearing on his chest area while this insane rash formed on gut not to mention his arms looked to be turning yellow just before D/N started foaming at the mouth his body began changing into something horrendous Y/N did anything he could to protect the people franticly running for their lives that's when his mother burst outside the operating theatre "Run for you're lives" she screamed as this monster broke out the theatre.

Y/N couldn't believe what he was looking at his father had turned into one of them but he was different than the runners and clickers  he saw his mother desperately try to get away until she was grabbed by a runner taking a chunk out of her neck Y...

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Y/N couldn't believe what he was looking at his father had turned into one of them but he was different than the runners and clickers  he saw his mother desperately try to get away until she was grabbed by a runner taking a chunk out of her neck Y/N shot the runner allowing his mother to get drop over the railing hitting the floor with a thud, S/N ran over to her mothers side picking her up by the arm to make it to the garage entrance to close "Go I'll provide cover fire" Y/N shouted firing the oncoming horde thankfully his sister made gesturing for him to follow but all Y/N did was shoot at the chains closing the entrance showing that he wasn't going to follow walking up to the window.

Y/N put his hand on the glass wanting to give her sister closure.

S/N: Don't do this

Y/N Someone has to keep dad occupied

S/N: I don't want to lose my family

Y/N: I'll be okay don't worry you'll see me again for right now look after mum she only has about 48 hours left

S/N: Love you brother

Y/N: Love you too

Y/N walked out firing his assault rifle at will clearing most of the freaks in the place looking at the gate he saw one of the old jeep they would use to go on city journeys could be his way out making his way to the jeep he was stopped by his father jumping down blocking the path it's tongue hanging out nails stretched out.

Y/N stood reloading his gun waiting for it to attack sweat rolling down his face he raced off dodging a arm unloading several bullets in the back before climbing on top jamming his knife into it's head the thing jerked back and forth grabbing Y/N throwing him over to the ground hitting hard, Y/N rolled out of the way to avoid being stomped on tossing a flashbang the creature yelled from being blinded long enough for Y/N to tackle it into a fuel vat this allowed Y/N enough time to reach the jeep driving off into the night leaving whatever nightmare he endured not knowing what to do next.

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