Chapter 1

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Couple of months later

Clicks were heard from a dark room as a mutated creature appeared face covered in cordyceps that grew into and out of the skull using a form of echolocation to locate it's pray, The clicker stalked around the room until something struck it in the head taking it down to the floor before finishing with cutting off the head to hang round his side.

Y/N walked the empty street of Boston listening to his music player ever since the events of 2 years ago he changed drastically he had become hardened and someone you wouldn't want to meet not that he would kill an innocent person, Y/N's code of ethics was that he only would kill if he needed to being alone this last while made him bored like he wanted more company but given his mental state he didn't want to put anyone into jeopardy.

The Clickers head bounced from side to side as he walked gave him a sense of peace knowing he killed them regardless if they used to be human he kept walking till a truck pulled up with a man dressed in security got out his started topic was "stay where you are" Y/N put his hands behind his back to show he wasn't a threat "Is there a problem sir?".

He pressed a device up to his skull for a second before looking at it "alright you seem to be clean no infection" i scoffed at him "Could've told you that myself" he chuckled saying "you won't believe how many people lie to us about it".

"Can I go now?" Y/N asked the man to his response "There's a place nearby here a quarantine zone where you can get food drink and maybe even a decent shower we could take you there if you" he nodded his head in agreement.

Arriving at the place Y/N was instructed to put his belongings into a box along with his clothes after he took a shower unfortunately he had to put his Clicker head into a waste bucket since it freaked many of the younglings, Y/N enjoyed the shower been too long from when he got to enjoy warm water putting on fresh new clothes heading to the dinner hall for grub.

All they had on the shelfs ranged from meat to canned apples taking a can up to his apartment to find his belongings in a box on the counter a note saying "Cleaned of any hazard materials" putting his clothes he had wore on the radiator to dry as he sat down to dig into the food.

(Y/N Pov)

In the morning a knock at the door woke me up to a lady medium length, brown hair she made herself comfortable on the couch as a made a cup of coffee to wake me up "Do you want a cup?" i asked her "No i'm just here to talk for five" she grinned at me "Say what you've got to say" i said.

"I spotted you coming in last night how did you survive out there?" she rubbed her hands together "How does anyone survive nowadays" she placed down my clicker head i thought would of been tossed away "i thought you might want this back never before had a saw anyone carry a clicker head with them i'm impressed".

Y/N: You use them to mask you're scent 

?: Learn something new everyday 

Y/N: You haven't said your name yet

Tess: Tess

Y/N: Y/N 

Tess: Now to what i'm here for you seem to have skills me and a friend could use in some deals we have to make

This peaked my interest.

Y/N: Deals?

Tess: Yes we're smugglers we earn money and weapons doing what we do now are you in or out?

Y/N: Count me in

Tess: Good boy I'll see you soon

She left my apartment leaving me to do nothing but clean up the place is messy and could use a proper tidy spending part of my day doing so when a piece of paper was slipped under my door "outside in five" it read must of been Tess meaning it was time.

With my clothing and weapons ready i headed outside seeing Tess and a man in his late 40s clearly fed up slouched against a gate "Kid this is Joel my friend" she stated i held out my hand for a handshake he returned it while yawning "So what we doing" i asked.

"Hold on kid we're gonna go over a few thing with you before anything major happens" Joel said leading me through a door into his apartment i assume Tess gave me a sheet of paper going over various duties and reasonability's i had to being apart of the team i nodded to show them to i understood what was needed of me

"Congratulations kid welcome to us" Tess said happily smiling at me 

"I could tell my life was about to change" i thought.

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