Chapter 4

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Pieces of a building fell down so i had to jump back to keep myself from being squished Joel fell down beside me "Joel, Y/N! Tess called out "We're okay we'll make our way to you" i lifted part of my hoodie to see the bruise mark on my left side the sound of infected alerted my attention "Run. Run. Shit!" Tess and Ellie were gone.

We made our way through the building taking out any infected that came at us the bruise on my side hurt badly "You okay kid" Joel asked i just nodded and continued on gunshots popped off knowing it was Tess hurrying in the direction we heard it from.

"Ellie stay back" Tess yelled we rushed through the door she was taking care of an infected Joel helped her up "I'm fine" she looked at him exhausted from the looks of it.

"Guys get in here" Ellie called out i slid across a desk grabbing the infected from behind slamming it on the ground using my knife to kill another one burst in the room i just picked up a brick throwing it following up with a stomp to the head crushing it on impact.

I leaned against a desk clutching my side a took out a ice pack to ease down the bruising Tess placed her hands on her knees "Just a bit winded" she said to Joel "This way. This'll get us to the roof" she climbed out the window.

"How about you, kid you okay?" Joel Asked Ellie "Define okay" she replied with before stepping out the window "don't wait up for me I'll just be doing this" i told Joel giving me a nod to show he understood.

After a minute i put my vest back on over my shirt lifted my backpack off the ground exciting out the window up the fire escape walking across a plank that Joel probably set up i caught up to the others Ellie stood next to Joel i could hear her say "Jury still out. But, man... you can't deny that view".

I walked over rubbing my face "Only get a few moments in life to see thing like this" Ellie smiled at me "Hey thanks... for saving me back there" i gave a gesture of acknowledgement  "C'mon. This way" Tess walked past ready to continue our journey.

We made it to the capital building "No, no, no." Tess ran to one of fireflies body "This was a long shot" Ellie looked down before looking back up "What happens now? she askes i just looted what was left i mainly found medical supplies "These could come in handy" I thought.

"How far are we gonna take this" "As far as it needs to go." Tess wiped a tear from her face "Where was this lab of theirs? She asked Ellie. "Oh she never said. She only mentioned that it was someplace out west" "What are we doing here? This is not us?" Tess stood up "What do you about us? About me?" "I know you are smarter than this".

Really? Guess what we're shitty people Joel it's been that way for a long time" Tess was acting different than she looked at me and i knew what was wrong i had seen it so many times when a person was infected it was the same face my Mother gave me after she got bit "It is over, Tess!" Joel yelled out "Now we tried. Let's just go home." 

"I'm not... I'm not going anywhere this is my last stop" "What" Joel looked puzzled he hadn't figured it out yet. "Our luck had to run out sooner or later" Ellie looked at me to see if i knew what was happening i just back nodded at her "What are you on about-" Joel went to grab her arm "No don't-" she brushed him off "Don't touch me." "Holy shit" Ellie caught onto the situation "She's infected" Joel looked back at Tess and backed away a bit. "Joel..."

"Let me see it" 

"I didn't mean for this-" "Show it to me" Joel demanded and Tess pulled back her shirt revealing the bite. "Oh shit".

Tess walked over to Ellie grabbed her arm and pulled up her sleeve "This was three weeks. I was bitten an hour ago and it's already worse" she dragged Ellie over to Joel. "This is fucking real" she let go of Ellie so i took her to the side to let them two talk it out.

Y/N: Look things are about to get more difficult a don't know what Joel is going to do but i owe it to Tess to finish this

Ellie: I don't know if we'll make it

Y/N: Don't throw in the towel just yet 

I heard noise from outside so i peeked out to see a truck full of bandits stop outside i put a zip tie to hold them off "Sorry to interrupt but they're here" Tess turned back to us and pulled out her gun I can buy you some time, but you have to run".

"What? You want us to just leave you here" Ellie intervened. "Yes"

"Tess" I started but she interrupted me "I will not turn into one of those things" i looked down at the floor this conversation made me wish i had gotten the the chance to say to my mum. "Come on make this easy for me" "We can fight-" "No, just go!" Tess pushed Joel "Just fucking go."

Joel dragged Ellie off with him giving me a last moment with Tess "You'll need this" i held a magazine clip for her to take "I hope you go out as you not one of them.... Good luck Tess" i left catching up with the other two.

"You deserved better Tess."   


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