25. You are the only one for me

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"Are you okay? I'm sorry if I said something to hurt you" Tae frowned eyes gazing hers which turned a bit glossy.

"No. I....I just have one question, why me?" Yuna looked into his eyes, to make sure he isn't joking, his eyes spoke the truth, it reflected love just for her.

"Because you make me feel things I never felt before, you make me feel loved, and it's a beautiful feeling Yuna" he smiled wiping the tears which escaped her eyes.

"I don't know what to say"

"Just give me a chance. I'll prove it to you that my feelings for you are real Yuna" Tae held her hands squeezing them lightly.

But she rejected him saying she wasn't ready to date anyone right now, she wanted to focus on her studies. But in reality she was afraid of love, she was afraid of another heartbreak. How could she believe someone when she was still stuck in her past. Tae was left heartbroken, but he kept a smile on his face, trying to be a little mature, maybe she needs some more time to accept his feelings. Anyways he can make her fall for him eventually, if not now.

After proposing her he kept on showering her with love, not leaving a single opportunity to make her heart flutter. Any other girl in place of Yuna would have gone head over heels for his endless charms. But she was different and that was something new for Tae, more like a challenge.

Yuna felt guilty rejecting his feelings every single time, even her friends were telling her to trust him for once. He was trying so hard to gain her trust, showing his affection towards her, shouldn't he get a chance?

Yuna decided to confront him today, she called him to meet at their regular place, 'Pied Piper Cafe', after college.

Tae arrived taking a seat across her. She was lost in thoughts admiring the view outside.

"How can you not notice a charming boy sitting across you sweetheart?" Tae smirked, raising a brow, keeping a hand on hers, which she pulled away, making him pout.

"Just stop it Tae" she yelled throwing a fist on the table, startling the boy.

"Why? What did I do wrong Yuna? I'm sorry if I did something to hurt you" he said with a pout, pulling her hands in his.

"This, you do this evey time Tae!" she said pointing a finger at him, sighing.

"Why don't you get tired of me rejecting you? It's not that there aren't girls prettier than me at college. So why me Tae?"

"Haven't I answered that before sweetheart? Or you love hearing compliments from me?" he winked trying to change the topic, but failing miserably at it.

"Tae I'm serious. Are you not going to stop?"

"No. I won't back out, I just can't! I have fallen for you deeper to do that sweetheart" he smiled sadly breaking her heart.

'How can I give you my heart which already belongs to someone else Tae', she thought as Tae clapped in front of her face grabbing her attention.

"So why you called me here honeybun?"

"To talk about us"


"Yes Tae. I can't keep on rejecting you, it's so wrong. And you aren't ready to move on from me either. So I'm thinking of giving you a chance...."

"I'm sorry please don't leave me.... wait- I... I. What did you say?"

"I'm giving you a chance Tae. I don't know if I can trust someone yet. But I'll make an exception for you, just because you proved that you are different from others. Please don't break my trust Tae, I won't be able to get myself together if you break it" she said glancing away, wiping her tears with the sleeves.

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