12. Get together

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Have I lost her?, he thought wiping a stray tear which escaped his eyes.

Yuna entered her apartment, throwing the keys in the bowl besides the door. She searched for Tae, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Tae? I'm back. Where are you?"

"Coming..... wait a sec" he shouted from inside

He came running, enveloping her into a warm hug, she smiled wrapping her arms around him.

"H....how was your date? I saw he dropped you here"

"It was great Tae. But....."


"Nothing. I'm feeling sleepy, I'll go get changed" she smiled going towards her room as he watched her disappear.

But what, he thought. He wanted to dig out some info about this guy but couldn't find any. Is he hiding his identity?

He then remembered Yoongi called him to attend a party at his friend, Hobi's place. He was going to drag Jin along with him too. Should he ask Jungkook to come along? Maybe...

Yuna hadn't appeared from her room yet, where was she? He went towards her room, knocking the door twice, no response. He tried to open the door and it was unlocked. He peeked in to see Yuna sleeping on her bed peacefully, she didn't even cover herself sleeping in her pjs. He pulled the duvet over her as she snuggled under it. He slowly patted her head smiling.

If you are happy I'm not going to come in between you and your date. I just don't want you getting hurt that's all Yuna. Stay happy, I love your smile, he smiled kissing her forehead as he left her room going towards the guest room.

Next day,

Jimin asked Namjoon to tag along with him to Hobi's place. He met Hobi twice or thrice due to Yoongi, he didn't know much about him except his name, which he wasn't sure was his real name. Yoongi texted him Hobi's address earlier today. They both finally arrived as Yoongi stood at the door, his gummy smile on display. He pulled both into a warm hug.

"Hyung long time, I missed you. I'm so happy for you, and excited to work with you" he smiled as they came in where Hobi sat. Jimin smiled as Hobi stood to hug him

"Jimin nice to see you. How's work?"

"It keeps me busy, though I got a small break now so enjoying my free time"

"Are you seeing someone?" he whispered with a smirk

Jimin's eyes widened, how does he know that? Is he spying on him? But why would he do that! Hobi read his expressions and smiled.

"You may not know, but I work at Yuna's office" he whispered again as Jimin nodded slowly, getting a bit shy.

"Hobi hyung please don't tell anyone about us. We just started dating, I would like to make her my girlfriend and then tell everyone about us" he requested him with a small frown, Hobi smiled with a nod.

"Don't think of breaking her heart ever, you may have to face the worst. You already know about Yoongi hyung, let me remind you she has me and two other friends and all of us are over protective of her. I won't tell anyone about you both till I get a feeling you aren't playing around with her" Hobi said with a stern expression, Jimin nodded.

"I ain't playing around with her hyung, I'm serious. I love her" he said looking into his eyes as Hobi sighed

"Hyung, did I say something wrong?" Jimin asked getting concerned

"No Jiminie, just take extra care of hers. Someone broke her heart once, due to that she doesn't trust anyone other than us. Don't force anything upon her" he said putting an arm around his shoulder as Jimin nodded.

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