11. Dreamy Date

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Jimin called Yuna at 4 in the evening having already arrived by her office.

Calling My love😘...

Hello beautiful! I'm waiting for you outside your office. Are you ready?

Oh fu- I mean could you wait there for a while. I'll wrap up everything and be there in 10 mins. I'm so sorry, I forgot to keep a track of time.
No problem, I can always wait for a pretty girl like you.

Hahaha, you got me. I'll be there in no time. Bye Jimin_shi

He kept his phone aside, tapping the steering wheel. He then switched on the radio, grooving to his favorite songs.

A while later he heard a tap on the window. He glanced up to spot Yuna. She stood there in a mauve colored off shoulder dress with uneven hem reaching her thighs midway, she let her golden brown curls loose, tucking a strand behind her ear, she held a sparkly golden clutch in her free hand and wore a golden bracelet with a matching pair of dangly earrings reaching her shoulder. Her pink plump lips curved up as she smiled towards him mouthing a sorry.

"Sorry it took a while"

"It's totally fine. Just waited an hour or so. No worries" he chuckled adjusting his mask, he wore orange tinted goggles today. She got a glimpse of his eyes as he opened the door for her.

She frowned taking a seat besides him buckling her seat belt.

"Don't be sad beautiful. I think you forgot what I said earlier? I can always wait for a pretty girl like you" he smiled, eyes forming crescents, making her smile along.

"That's so sweet of you Jimin_shi. Tae would have been all grumpy by now" she giggled

"I'm sorry if I'm getting too nosy, are you both just friends or something more?" he asked with hesitation

"Its okay, he is just my best friend, nothing else" she smiled

Is he friendzoned then? Good for me anyways, he thought as a grin appeared on his face

"Let's go then Yuna_shi" he smiled driving off.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise!" he giggled making her curious

As they reached the place he handed her a purple satin blindfold studded with sparkly gems. She looked at it getting confused.

"Jimin what's this now?"

"Just trust me and tie it. You are gonna enjoy it" he smiled

She took it nodding slightly tying it over her eyes, careful not to disturb her makeup. Jimin smiled looking towards her as he got down from his seat going towards her. He opened the door, holding her wrist as he pulled her out of her seat. She caught his hand standing on her feet now, her blush pink high heels made it difficult to stand without getting a bit off balance. He held her waist to support her tinting her cheeks pink.

"Lets go in Yuna, hope you like it" he smiled taking her into a restaurant which seemed pretty empty with presence of just the staff in there. The manager smiled watching him arrive, Jimin gestured them something as they retreated.

Jimin loosened the blindfold as Yuna blinked a few times trying to adjust to the lighting. Her mouth wide open as she scanned the surroundings, it was the famous Michelin restaurant, Mikrokosmos, she wanted to visit since when. This restaurant had frequent visits from Park Jimin the famous idol, she wanted to visit this place to get a glimpse of him which was next to impossible. She smiled now glancing towards the handsome man standing next to her.

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