"We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish," The sheriff said to us, I looked down the other hall to see Jordan was gone, "Because it looks like his dream is coming true,"

We all shared a look of dread, we all went back to Stiles' jeep and head back to Scott's house. I decided to head back to the sheriff and check on Jordan, I know this supernatural stuff was too much for any person to handle, even me, and I've been dealing with the crap for the past two years, so for him, someone who was drawn here, to be apart of the main catastrophe, I knew it had to be hard.

I drove over to the station, which was abuzz with action, under the sheriff's orders and found Jordan at his desk staring a pile of papers.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked as I came up to him, he looked at me and blinked, as if he was checking if I was really here,

"What are you doing here?" He asked,

"I came to offer my assistance," I said with a polite smile, but he looked even more confusion so I continued, "Scott and Stiles are trying to figure out the beast's endgame, and Kira has some stuff she's dealing with, so I thought I come over and help you out,"

"That is thoughtful, but this is official business, I can't just let you see all of this information," He said as he shook his head,

"Why? Because Stiles doesn't have a set of keys to the station? Or a police receiver in his jeep? Or because Scott's dad, knows knows, about what the sheriff has to do to keep this town safe?" I asked him, he leaned back in his seat, so I walked around his desk and sat on it, he wiped his head and let out a tired sigh, that sounded very stress induced, "Jordan, I'm just saying, this isn't my first rodeo, I've seen dead bodies, I've lost friends, I know how messed up this place can get, so I can help,"

"Help how?" he asked, I looked over and picked up the first file, I checked it over to see if something would stand out to me, and something did, the date,

"Missing person reports are only filed two days after the person goes missing, right?" I asked him and he nodded,

"48 hours, too be technical," he muttered,

"Then look," I said after I turned the paper to show him, "This person went missing two weeks ago, adding in the 48 hours for legal technicalities, and that's two days after the super moon,"

Jordan's eyes lit up as he pulled the paper from my grip, he read it over and looked up at me.

"How'd you figure that out so fast?" he asked,

"Well, besides being a genius?" I asked with a playful smirk, "You looked at this with cop eyes, I looked at it with wolf eyes, and I saw the thing you'd skip out on,"

Jordan chuckled as he looked down at the paper again, and muttered, "I could kiss you right now,"

"Save it for when their aren't many prying eyes," I said in low voice, he looked up at me and his cheeks turned red,

Jordan pulled open the drawer to his desk and pulled out something before he slapped my chest, I looked down as he pulled away and saw the 'Deputy for the day' sticker pressed onto my shirt.

"Really?" I asked,

"Its the most I can do, to officially deputize you," Jordan said with shrug,

"Mhm," I groaned out as Jordan smirked at me, I looked around the station before I turned back to him, "Now, if we're going through this list can we do it somewhere less noisy?"

"The Sheriff's office is empty, he's down at the hospital calling in family member's to identity the bodies," Jordan said solemnly and I nodded,

We moved his work in the sheriff's office and I closed the door behind us, I looked out into the bullpen and noticed that one of the officer's looked a bit out of sorts, but as he turned he looked me, dead in the eye and I groaned. Dean was here.

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