Chapter 30 - Laboratory

Start from the beginning

"Okay, now I have to talk to Professor Oak," Ash said insistently, walking past Tracey and into the main lobby area. "Wait, Ash. Aren't you gonna introduce me to your friends here?" Turning around and staring at the group, a sweatdrop formed on his face. "Oh. Yeah," he said clumsily. Everyone gave him a dirty look, which was soon followed by a bout of laughter.

Eventually, everyone made their way into the seating area while Tracey went to go get Professor Oak and some snacks. "So, how do you know that guy?" Clemont asked, setting his Aipom Arm device on the ground. "Seems like it's been a while."

Ash nodded, looking around at the renovations that had happened to the laboratory. "After I traveled through Kanto when I first started my journey, Professor Oak had me go to the Orange Islands to get a mysterious Pokeball, but I ended up doing the gym challenge that they had set up there."

"I met Tracey while trying to help an injured Lapras. See, he was a Pokemon watcher who was trying to sketch of all different types of Pokemon, and the Orange Islands had some weird Pokemon." He laughed as he remembered the pink Pokemon on Pinkan Island. "Once he heard that I knew Professor Oak, he insisted on coming back to Kanto with me, and he's been here ever since."

Bonnie leaned forward, her eyes shining. "That sounds like an awesome adventure!" She exclaimed; Ash nodded and closed his eyes in recollection. "It was," he muttered to himself. Serena stared at Ash, lost in his reflective state; she quickly broke the stare when she realized she had been doing so, but seeing Ash happy simply made her feel happy as well. Chloe noticed her swift glance and smirked.

Finally, Tracey returned, holding a tray of cookies and cups filled with hot cocoa; two snacks that Ash immediately dug into upon him placing it down on the table. He was too busy stuffing his face that he almost failed to hear Professor Oak say, "It is you, Ash." Ash set down the cup of hot chocolate and looked over near the doorframe.

"How have you been?" The old Professor asked, spreading his arms out. He had gotten considerably older; it now made sense to Ash why he was considering retiring. "Well, I'm here, and that's enough for me," Ash responded, standing up and shaking Oak's hand. "I hear that you're thinking of trying out the World Coronation Series again with your old Pokemon."

Ash was taken aback. "How'd you hear about that?" He asked, releasing the handshake. "I had to call your mom to make sure it was true that you were back before I came in here. I think I would've had a heart attack had I seen you sitting there without any warning," he explained with a chuckle.

Looking over Ash's shoulder, Professor Oak looked at the group sitting on the couch, eating cookies as Tracey sat down with them. "Ash told us about your Orange Island adventure," Chloe said, taking a sip of hot chocolate. "Did he now?" Tracey replied, looking over at Ash and smiling. "I'm sure he probably forgot to mention how he won the league they held there."

"You what?" Bonnie muffled with a mouthful of cookies. Ash scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, I didn't want to brag about it," he said sheepishly. Serena and Chloe both sighed out of exasperation and giggled while Clemont rolled his eyes. "But yeah, it was a great adventure; I think we had a lot of fun!" Tracey added happily.

"Do you have any sketches from the trip? Ash said you took were watching a lot of Pokemon there," Clemont asked, pushing up the rim of his glasses. "As a matter of fact, I do," Tracey replied, reaching forward towards a small scrapbook that sat underneath the vase of flowers and grabbing it. "I've got them all right here."

As Tracey opened the scrapbook and showed the group his drawings, Ash turned back to Professor Oak, chuckling. "That's quite the friend group you've got there," the professor remarked. "Yep. They really are great," Ash agreed; yet another reason for him to stay.

"Now, about your Pokemon," Professor Oak began, walking over towards the door that led to the outside field. "They've all been doing great, especially with Tracey starting to take over," he explained as he opened the door. Ash walked over and was met with the bright sun rays shining down on him as he stepped outside.

"Now this is something I recognize!" Ash exclaimed as he stared at the naturally beautiful field. He gazed upon the sight before him, instantly recognizing some of his Pokemon. His thirty Tauros were running rampantly along the pasture in one big herd, almost trampling over Corphish, Kingler, Totodile, and Oshawott, who were relaxing in a small pond together.

They ran past his Charizard, Infernape, and Sceptile, who seemed to be training with each other determinedly. He started to run over, but before he could get their attention by calling out to them, he felt a blunt force suddenly knock him over on his side, forcing the air out of him. "Bay!"

Ash looked over and laughed as his Bayleef began affectionately rubbing her head against his cheek. "I missed you too, Bayleef!" His words were being drowned out by the sudden rush of his other Pokemon, all realizing the commotion with Bayleef was a result of their trainer returning.

All at once, Ash was bombarded by his Pokemon, all wanting to see him and interact with him in some way. "Woah, I can't say hi to all of you at once!" He exclaimed, laughing as each Pokemon tried to approach him. He heard the door that led back into the laboratory squeak, so he momentarily stood up and looked over.

"We thought we'd come to introduce ourselves!" Serena exclaimed, standing alongside his friends. Ash grinned and waved at them. "They all want to meet you!" He yelled as his Pokemon all excitedly made their way up the hill and towards his friends. "Be careful!" He shouted, causing his Pokemon to become slightly calmer and approach the new faces with ease.

As everyone began saying hello to his Pokemon, Ash noticed that one Pokemon, in particular, had stayed behind to be with him. "Hey, Infernape," Ash said, turning to one of his closest Pokemon. "Fernape," Inferape said softly, walking up to Ash and hugging him. "How've you been?" He asked, returning the hug.

"In-fer," The fire monkey responded, giving Ash a thumbs up. "I saw you were training with some of the others," Ash remarked, crossing his arms as his friends were making their way through meeting his Pokemon. Infernape nodded quietly. "Would you like to battle alongside me once more?" Ash asked, turning towards Infernape, whose eyes grew wide in excitement.

"Infer!" Ash grinned at the positive response. "Thanks, Infernape! I know we'll have fun together," he said happily. Looking back up the hill, he suggested, "I'm sure my friends would love to meet you." So, side by side, they approached the group, which had created a few scenarios.

Ash noticed Clemont was intensely analyzing his Noctowl, which was a different color from different Noctowl. "Ash, does this Noctowl have a weird diet?" He asked, lifting a wing while Noctowl patiently sat there. "Nope, he's always looked super awesome," Ash replied, smiling at Noctowl.

"Weeeee!" Bonnie exclaimed behind Ash. He turned around and saw that his Donphan was allowing her to slide down his trunk. "He's so big and awesome!" She said to Ash as she pet Donphan's rough skin.

Next to Bonnie, Chloe was crouched down and entertaining his Snivy, who was striking all sorts of sly poses for the Coordinator. "Ash, your Snivy has such an attitude," she giggled while Snivy continued posing in dramatic fashions.

Finally, Ash looked over at Serena and saw that Hawlucha and Noivern had both approached her; out of all of the Kalos group, she and her Pokemon had been their favorite, and it was clear now that the two were enjoying her company as she sat alongside them. "Looks like they remember you pretty well," Ash commented, walking over with Infernape.

"Well, I didn't forget them," she replied, smiling at Hawlucha, who struck a dramatic battle pose. Ash chuckled and turned around, facing the entire group. "Alright, now it's everyone else's turn to bring out their Pokemon!" He exclaimed boldly. "Great idea!" Clemont said, reaching for his Pokeballs. Everyone else did the same and simultaneously exclaimed, "Come on out! Everyone!"

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