Mew smiled, "The owner of the club used to be my senior when I studied here. I once saved him from the principal using phaw's name. Since then, I can get into any of his clubs or hotels without membership."

Seokjin looked at him for a while and then blinked, "Wow. You have quiet connections, huh?"

Mew chuckled, "Well, that time I thought I had to make these connections if I had to fight with you. You know all the bullshit I learned in Thailand about connections will help me take over the company."

Seokjin laughed, "Well, the connections do help you a lot."

"Mew Suppasit, bro!"

They turned back and a man in his 30s was standing there wearing a loose satin black shirt.

Mew smiled, "Sunbae. Long time."

The man came closer and hugged Mew. "I have been here. You ran away to Thailand."

Mew chuckled, "Ah," He turned to Seokjin, "this is my hyung, Kim Seokjin."

The man bowed, "Of course, who doesn't know him. My name is Oh Jungse. I own a few clubs and hotels here and there."

Seokjin nodded, "I have heard about you. Mew talks about you a lot." A white lie. Mew gave Seokjin a look that said, 'really?' Seokjin gave him a knowing smile. "Well, I will leave you guys to talk a little." He turned to Mew, "Come find me inside." When Mew nodded, Seokjin excused himself from them. He entered the actual club and was hit by loud music. He winced a little. Usually, he hated places like these where there were too many people and the music was loud. Not to forget the foul smell of alcohol and sweat. Nothing was appealing to him in the club, but he still went in to find Namjoon and surprise him. He didn't know why he was feeling like a teenager, but he liked the feeling of the butterflies in his stomach.

Finally, after a while, he spotted Namjoon in the crowd. He was standing with a... woman. Seokjin sighed and started walking towards him, but he stopped in his tracks. The woman cupped Namjoon's cheeks and leaned in, connecting their lips. His heart dropped. He was about to go there to separate the woman but stopped again when he saw Namjoon's hands going to the woman's back. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see whatever was going there. His breath hitched and he turned back to leave. He ran into someone on his way out.

"Watch where you are going."

Seokjin choked out a sorry and then ran out. Mew was still talking to Jungse. He looked at Seokjin with concern, "Phi...?"

Seokjin was shivering badly, his fists tightly closed, "Let's go home."

Mew excused himself from Jungse and went to Seokjin, "Phi... What happened, you went in to meet-"

"Let's just go home." Seokjin pleaded. "Please."

Mew nodded, not knowing what else to do. He led Seokjin out to the parking lot and made sure he had settled in the car properly before going to the other side and starting the car. He didn't say anything, knowing that it would be useless right now to confront Seokjin.

Seokjin looked out of the window, tears betraying him and slowly escaping from his eyes. When the car stopped at the red sign, he saw the very cafe where he had seen Namjoon for the first time. He turned his face and closed his eyes, resting his head on the backrest. He cursed himself internally. Why did he not follow his usual routine that day? Why did he stare out of the window? Why would Namjoon come into his life? Why was Namjoon kissing that girl?


Seokjin opened his eyes when he heard Mew.

Mew was standing in front of him, opening the door of the car for him, "We are here."

Seokjin nodded. He slowly got out of the car and went to the elevator.

"P'Jin, what happened?" Mew asked again, his voice full of concern. He had made Seokjin sit on the bed of his room and knelt in front of his brother.

Seokjin closed his eyes, tears still falling without his permission, "I saw Namjoon..." He mumbled something after that but it was inaudible.

"What was that?" Mew asked quietly.

Seokjin opened his eyes, looking straight into Mew's eyes, "I saw Namjoon kissing some girl in the club."

"What?" Mew got up, fuming with anger and closed his fist, "That boy is going to die today."

Seokjin got up immediately to stop him, "Stop. If I wanted to take action I would have done it right then. But I can't. Not right now. What do I say when I confront him? I never confessed to him, we aren't in a relationship. The only thing keeping us together is that fucking contract. I don't want to remind him that he is my sugar baby."

Mew clenched his jaw. He knew Seokjin was right. He knew that everything would lead to a disaster, but he couldn't watch Seokjin like this. "I am still going to mess with him."

Seokjin stopped him with his wrist, "No!" He clicked his tongue, wiping the tears with his other hand. "You will not do anything like this. Not today and not after I am gone. Promise me, Mew."

Mew closed his eyes. No matter how angry he was at Namjoon, he knew it was best to respect Seokjin's decision. He opened his eyes and took Seokjin's hand in his own, "Fine. I promise. But only if you promise that the first thing you'll do after coming back from Japan is to confront him."

Seokjin nodded, "Okay."

Mew sighed trying to control his anger. Though he had promised Seokin to not mess with Namjoon, the anger in him wasn't going anywhere. But there was nothing he could do. He hugged Seokjin tightly, patting his back. He tucked his chin on Seokjin's shoulder, "Can I sleep with you?"

Seokjin nodded in the hug, "Of course."

Cute Yoongi pics to lighten the angst

Okay bye!🏃🏻‍♀️

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