Chapter 11: Daycare

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{Arthors notes}




*scene/pov change, actions, etc*



Me and Alice were sitting in the living room enjoying each others company when she suddenly jumped up and gasped.

Y/N: "What?"

Alice: "We have to go!"

Y/N: "Where?"

Alice: "Just follow me!"

Y/N: "Why?"

Alice: "Trust me."

I trusted her and followed her to what looked like a skoul house? I think that's what their called? Anway, we went inside and I saw it was area? I was confused on why Alice took me here. Then Melissia came walking over with the Wolf/Fox baby in her arms.

Melissia: "Hello guys, what brings you here?"

Y/N: "Yeah Alice, why are we here?"

Alice: "I-I thought it would be nice if you could learn how to be a...father...and I figured the best way to learn was to experance it first hand."

Y/N: "...So you signed me up for babysitting...without my consent?"

Alice: "I'm NOT going to let our child have a father who doesn't know what he's doing."

Y/N: "..."

Alice: "..."

Y/N: "...See ya!"

Derek's bike: *VRRROOOOOOMMMM*

*But here's what really happened*

Y/N: "...*sigh*Fine...but I'm not gonna like it..."

Alice: "Thanks sweetie."*pecks cheek*

Melissia: "Daycare closes around 8pm, so you'll be back before dinner."

Y/N: "...the fuck's an '8pm'?"

Melissia: "No cussing in the daycare."

Y/N: "The fuck's 'cussing'?"

Melissia: "...please tell me you're joking."

Alice: "He's been on the outside alone his whole life."

Melissia: "Okay...we'll work some of that out while you're here."

Alice: "Bye Y/N~"

Y/N: "Bye Alice."

She walked out of the 'Daycare' and Melissia said she needed help with some of the kids. This is going to be hell...

*Jennifer POV*

Me, Derek, and Jake were loading up the pickup truck with some guns and ammo as backup incase shit hits the fan. Alice came over to check up on us.

Alice: "You know where to go?"

Jennifer: "Yeah. Don't worry, we'll get the stuff."

Alice: "Just remember the pickels."

Derek: "Weird thing to add, but okay."

Alice(deadpan): "I will fucking murder you if you don't get my pickels..."

Derek: ".....okay..."

Alice: "Be safe guys!"

She then skipped back to the house, leaving all three of us supprised. Me and Derek in particular.

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