Chapter 8: Shopping Trip

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{Arthors notes}




*scene/pov change, actions, etc*



I slowly opened my eyes to see a smiling Alice infront of me. I smiled back. What a way to start the morning.

Alice: "Hey~"

Y/N: "Morning Love~"

Alice: "What are you british?"

Y/N: "No idea."

We both giggled and shared a quick kiss while getting out of bed and starting our day. I gave Floofers a can of dog food and some water. I had something called "cereal". Seemed like a waste of milk, but if this is what they eat, I'll live with it.

Derek: "We're running low on food. Fucking Raiders."

Skylar: "Let's go find some then."

Y/N: "I'll come with."

Derek: "No. You're staying here."

Y/N: "Wasn't a question."

I got up and picked up my shotgun and walked out the door, not giving Derek a chance to argue. I then got into the SUV and waited for them to come out.

???: "Hey mister."

I looked down and saw a fox child holding a teddy bear with a space themed shirt on. I wondered what this little shit wanted.

Fox Child: "Are you really a Human?"

Y/N(dismissive): "Yes."

Fox Child: "What's it like being a Human?"

Y/N(annoyed): "Like everyone else."

Fox Child: "Awsome?"

Y/N: "Hungery, dehydrated, the feeling that you're being hunted by everyone and everything 24/7, and lonelyness because you're the last of your entire species."

Fox Child: "..."

Y/N: "Anything else?"

Fox Child(sadened): ""

Y/N: "Good. Now get lost."

The kid left as I continued to clean under my nails with my hunting knife. I then heard foot steps coming my way. I sighed angerly as I figured that it was the little brat's mother coming to make a scene. But:

???: "Hey, got a minute?"

I turned my head and saw a lioness looking at me.

I turned my head and saw a lioness looking at me

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Lion Woman: "I heard you talking to my son."

Y/N: "...Go on."

Lion Woman: "I understand why you're afraid and hesitant about this plac-"

Y/N: "No, you don't understand. I'm the last male Human on the planet. There's no way you could understand my pain."

Lion Woman: "When was the last time you seen a lion Furry?"

I went to answer, but I couldn't. I only saw a few lion Furries in my travels. She was on the extinction boat with me.

Y/N: "...Sorry."

Melissa: "It's fine. I'm Melissa."

Y/N: "Y/N."

She held her hand out, but I just rolled the windows up, blocking her. I just leaned into the seat and took a quick nap. Atleast I would've if Derek and Jennifer didn't show up.

Derek: "Ready to go?"

Y/N: "Just drive."

Derek: "Little extra pissy today, are we?"

I stabbed the dashboard to show that not only was I not in the mood to talk, but I was also getting more pissed off. He got the message and put it in gear and left as I kept my eyes on the side windows, watching for any Raiders comeing to attack us.

*two hours later*

We went to several stores in the area and found nothing. Either Raiders or other survivors picked them clean. As we drove back to Sanctuary, I saw an old box truck infront of a house. I've found large stashes in box trucks before, so it was worth a look.

Y/N: "Derek, box truck. Could be a stash."

Derek: "All right."

He pulled into the driveway and we all got out. As we did, a Deado came crawling out from under the truck. Derek just put a bolt through its head as Jennifer opened the back doors to reval that it was infact a stash of food, water, guns, ammo, bathroom and medical supplies, just about everything.

Jennifer(smiling): "Holy shit!"

Y/N: "What'd I tell you?"

Derek(smiling): "Check if the keys are in the ignition!"

Jennifer ran to the driverside door and opened it. I then saw her smile turn into a frown.

Jennifer: "Keys aren't there."

Y/N: "I'll check in the house."

I walked up to the door and found it was locked. So I just kicked it in easily. I began to search for the keys. I walked up the stairs and was suddenly grabbed from behind in a full nelson, preventing me from fighting back.

I heeled him im the crouch and tried to pull my hand canon out and shoot him, but he tackled me though a door and tried to take it from me. I quickly over powered him. I flipped us over and then put the handmade gun near his head, but he turned his head as I pulled the trigger.


I killed him, and I found the keys on him. If he hadn't attack me, we could maybe let him join. It cost him....


But it cost someone else even more...

I looked around the room I was in and saw it was a nursery. I walked to the crib and saw a baby Fox/Wolf Hybrid. I started to breath fast and heavy. I just killed a baby's father and it was all my fault.

Y/N(tearing up): ", no, no..."

I heard footsteps comeing into the room. I didn't care who it was anymore. I just ruined this child's life.


I have something to say.

No i don't.

Asta la Vista you magnificent bastards, I'll see ya next time

The Last of My Kind(Male Human Reader X Female Furries Zombie Apocalypse)Where stories live. Discover now