Chapter 6: Raider or Furry?

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{Arthors notes}




*scene/pov change, actions, etc*



I couldn't belive it. Jake just punched that Fox in the jaw and now it was hanging by his cheek. He was screaming in complete agony.

Jake: "Don't disrespect me. Girls, you know the drill."

They all separated and went into diffrent houses. It was then I realized: the last of the Humans are Raiders. I completely despise Raiders and always killed them when possible. And now I was running with them.

Jake: "New Blood! Over here."

I reluctently walked over to him and he handed me the keys to Derek's bike and a duffle bag and pointed to the house at the end of the block.

Jake: "We need food aswell. Grab what you can from that house. And if you see something you like, consider it yours."

I was completely speechless. I didn't want to. But I was afrid of what he'd do to me if I disobyed. I walked to the house, getting hated looks the entire time. I reached the house and opened the door. I then went stright for the kitchen and started piling food into the bag. There wasn't much in the first cabinet, so I moved to the pantry and saw a load of food. As I was taking all the dry goods and sodas, I heard a gun cock behind me. An amt hardballer .45 longslide.

Woman: "What're you doing?"

Y/N: "My goddamn job."

Woman: "You have three seconds to get the fuck out."

Y/N: "We both know you're not gonna pull the trigger, so put it away."

I finished filling the bag and went to leave, but she then tackled me to the ground. In response, I punched her off of me and tried to stab her with my hunting knife, missed, and stabbed the floorboards instead. She then kicked me to a wall and knocked my gasmask and cap in the process. I we then met with a katana blade near my throat. I then saw who the woman was.

Jennifer: "Y-Y/N!?"

Y/N: "Jennifer?"

She suddenly threw her katana aside and pulled me into a hug. I then shoved her off of me and got up.

Jennifer: "Why are you with those fuckers?"

Y/N: "I didn't know they were Raiders."

Jennifer: "Why did you run off to begin with?"

Y/N: "I...I wasn't thinking stright."

Human Girl: "New Blood! What's taking so long?"

I quickly put my mask, cap, and ears back on. As soon as I did, a girl in a Cheetah Fursuit came inside the house.

Human Girl: "What's going on here?"

Y/N: "Just...talking with a...friend."

I looked at Jennifer who looked really fearful as the girl girl let out a funny giggle. And not the 'haha' funny.

Human Girl: "Your 'friend', huh?~"

She then walked over to Jennifer and forcfully grabbed her and pinned her aganest the wall, grinding herself onto her.

Human Girl: "Well, if she's your friend, why don't we take her back with us?~ make her your personal sex sla-"

Y/N(enraged): "NO!....She's just...a friend..."

Human Girl(disapointed): "Hmph. Fine. Let's go."

She threw Jennifer on the floor as I picked up the bag and my knife. I looked back at the cat furry before closing the door.

*Alice POV*

We failed to track down Y/N. I had a feeling that somthing bad happened to him. There were tire marks about three miles from the place. But the trail ended there. I still had his Husky with me, poor thing hadn't eatten at all.

Derek: "...What if a Walker got him?"

Skylar: "Like a person who just woked up from a coma? I highly doubt it."

Alice: "I just hope he's okay..."

As we drove back to Sanctuary, we saw Savior trucks outside the opened gates. We knew that those assholes were inside taking what they wanted.

Derek: "Hey, that's my bike!"

Skykar: "Derek, don't-"

It was too late. He got out and tried to punch Jake in his snout, on to be blocked by his face guard.

Jake: "...Cute..."

Jake then punched Derek in the face and pinned him to the ground, trying to take his eye out with his bowie knife. Skylar tried to stop him, but a fox girl blocked her path. I was about to interven when I saw someone who looked like Y/N. WAS Y/N. I started to feel somthing...betrayal. He looked away as soon as he saw me. Why? Why would he join a bunch of Raiders?


I felt so guilty. I was now raiding the people who were trying to help me. But there was no coming back from this.

Or was there.....

====VOTING TIME!!!====


Perks are obvious.


Nothing to say...


Asta la Vista you magnificent bastards, I'll see ya next time.

The Last of My Kind(Male Human Reader X Female Furries Zombie Apocalypse)Where stories live. Discover now