Chapter 9: Regret

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{Arthors notes}




*scene/pov change, actions, etc*


*Alice POV*

I was in the kitchen trying to find some pickles. I was REALLY craving some pickles right now. I could kill someone for them. Only, I couldn't find any.

'Come on, where are they!?'

Skylar: "Alice, what're you doing?"

Alice: "Do we have any pickles?"

Skylar: ""

Alice: "..what?"

Skylar: "We don't have pickl-"

Alice(angry): "BUT I WANT SOME GOD DAMN PICKLES!!" *starts crying like a baby*

Skylar: "...are you okay?..."

Alice(angry): "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!"*cries*

She was right though. I was acting really weird. I never gotten angry before, much less at Skylar or anyone else for that matter.

Skylar: "...I think we should get you to the doctor..."

Alice(claming down): "Probably yeah..."

Skylar lead me to the clinic and i was seen pretty quickly. The clinic almost never get used due to having no need for it. But it was a just incase thing.

Melissa: "Alright, what seems to be the problem?"

She checked my heartbeat while I explained what was wrong.

Alice: "I'm craving weird foods, I'm getting upset over little things. I just don't know why."

I noticed her expression change when she started to slowly move the stethoscope towards my...belly? What was she doing?

Melissa: "...Skylar could you leave for a minute?"

She was confused but followed her request and left. I was getting conserened somthing was wrong.

Melissa: "Okay....Want me to give it to you stright?"

Alice: "Bend it a little?"

Melissa: "When I was listening to your heart, there was a second heart beat. Combined with your emotional episodes and cravings..."

Alice: "What? What is it?"

Melissa: "You're-


-A fucking idiot!!!'

I was sitting in the truck, still beating myself up for killing that baby's father. I started to dig my nails into my forehead, causing blood to slowly seep out from under my nails. I didn't stop. I deserved this. I dug my nails deeper into my skin, causing more blood to drip down my face.

Jennifer: "Hey, Y/N, you left your gasmask in the ho-WHAT THE HELL!?"

I heard her yank open my door and force me to look at her. She seemed scared. But I just didn't care anymore.

Jennifer: "Y/N, What the fuck!?"

She then opened a medkit and started to clean my face. I tried to stop her but she wouldn't have it.

Jennifer: "Why would you do that!?"

Y/N: "...I deserved it...I killed a child's dad..."

Jennifer: "Is that what this is about? Y/N, you were defending yourself. And if you didn't kill him, one of us would have anyway."

Y/N: "...That child still lost his father..."

Jennifer: "We have a program for that."

I was confused on what she ment by that.

Jennifer: "If a parent in Sanctuary dies, the child, if any, is taken care of by Melissa in the clinic until someone takes them in. And with him being an infint, he won't remember this ordeal."

This made me feel better. Knowing that he wont be left alone. That's why I felt so bad. Because I thought he would be alone in this world from day one. Like me.

Y/N: "Thanks."

Jennifer: "So, do you forgive me for what happened in Boston?"

Y/N: "...You're still on about that?"

Jennifer: "I-I'm sorry, I-"

Y/N: "I forgave you awhile ago. I moved passed that."

Jennifer: "Oh....alright..."

I heard Derek come out with a baby carrier and some more ammoboxes. We closed up the truck and were going to leave, but I wanted to do somthing.

Y/N: "I'll catch up. I'll take the SUV. I gotta do somthing."

Derek: "Can you even drive?"

Y/N: "I stole your bike, didn't I?"

Derek: "...fair enough."

I went back into the house and went through the mans pockets. I found his wallet and looked for his ID card. His name was Francis Joji. I then dragged his body out the back door and grabbed a shovel.

I dug a six foot hole, put his body in it, and buried him. I then carved his name into a wooden board and stuck it above the mount. I then put his m1911 pistol at the base of the board and left.

*1 hour 13 minutes later*

I drove back to Sanctary and honked twice. They opened the gates and I parked inside the walls. I saw Alice and Derek sitting on the porch out front. I walked up to them and tried to talk to them, but my Alice beat me to the punch.

Alice: "Hey...Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yeah?"

Alice: "...there's something I need to tell you..."

Y/N: "What is it?"

Alice: "....I-I'm pregnant."


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, cause its gonna be a little while before another comes out.

Asta la Vista you magnificent bastards, I'll see ya next time.

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