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THE CAR WAS moving, yet I was sitting still here on my seat. I couldn't bring myself to move as well, and even my breathing is unstable.

Even with my eyes that were focusing on the road, my attention wasn't fully on it, really. My hands that holding on together on my lap felt so cold, and I don't seem to remember how many times I gulped already.

To say this now, I wasn't really easy to get nervous in anything particular. Always stays calm as I resolve things in my own way, because I believed that it was more easy that way. Things would still be the same anyway, so why waste some time act the same way the other party does? It would just be a pain in the ass either way.

Unfortunately, I got in a lot of trouble because of it, because people tends to get annoyed on my normal reaction.

But to contrary to that, I am currently feeling that so called nervousness, while sitting here quietly beside this man.

Well, it's not like it was the first time that I really am nervous in front of him. In fact, right from the very start, everything he does makes me anxious and lose the coolness I've built this entire time.

Am I scared?

Frankly speaking, yes. Because I don't even know myself anymore when I'm with this man. I'm so scared that I might lose my whole self next as the moments being with him gradually grew.

Afraid that this strange feeling might actually turn into a very dark deep cave without any way on escaping, causing me to be swallowed whole and lose.

The deduction was completely fair, because I was the one who choose this myself.

Or not.

My thoughts was cutted when the car was no longer moving. I don't even remember when it stopped. I was in daze for a long time.

I've felt a stare beside me, so I turned my face that way, and ours' met.

A dark like pearl pair of eyes were at mine. A gaze with an intense yet soft presence was looking directly infront of him. Such stare that would make the other opposite excited for some reason, and it actually didn't fail.

'Why are you looking at me like?' The words that I wanted to say, but kept on hiding in another side of my mouth.

Though as if he understood my struggle, he gave an assuring smile and spoke first. "Go on. Keep on spacing out. Such a view was worth on looking again."

I swallowed the uneasy feeling before glaring at him. "What do you really want? And where is this place?" I took a glance outside. We've stopped in front of a huge building. But just by seeing it, it's not an ordinary one.

Where the hell are we? Is this the place where his office located?

Now come to think of it, this person wasn't an ordinary one either.

"Get out and go inside. There's a man in the entrance, he will escort you up to my office." He stated.

I frowned. "What? Then what about you?" He'll let me walk alone in this place? Is he crazy? "Why not go in together then?" Is he planning on leaving me behind?

This bastard.

But as soon as I realized such a stupid thing to mumbled, there was an annoying smirk that could already be seen on his face. Damn it.

"How bold. It seems like you forgot how quite a celebrity this person is in front of you. I'm afraid there's a lot of eyes that were waiting inside, hungrily waiting for food to consume." I saw him taking off his seatbelt. "I'm fine walking with you though, if that's what you want." Still wearing his smug face.

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