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I'M NOT THAT surprised when he actually know my name. It's him afterall.

'Klod Vazcaar Valdez.' So the spelling before was wrong.

I didn't waste some time and search it. There's alot of results and articles about him after that.

Klod Vazcaar Lucas Valdez, 26, and a young Director from the famous X Entertainment. He also graduated in a famous University abroad, with a Master's Degree.

Even though it's only his second year in the industry, he'd received lots of award from his works. One of his projects also won a major award on an award show.

The young promising director received alot of support, even before knowing that he's an Alpha.

"He's really well known." I can't help but to comment while reading some articles about him.

Though when I went to another article, the information about him was different, the same for the next articles.

So, which one is real?

While scrolling for some more, my eyes caught a certain article.

'Famous Director x Famous Newbie Actor Scandal.' The date was just recently.

It was stated that the Director and the actor were from the same Entertainment. There were some news that they'll be working together on a new project starring the said Entertainment.

But, some netizens caught them on act, kissing at a local bar (they didn't state the bar's name.) Some of them said that the director and actor moved to some place and continue making out. There were some leak vids on them as for some evidence.

Though when I tried to click the link, it's deleted already.

When I refreshed the site, the article itself was already gone.

They're fast.

Being caught with some famous actor in a scandal, that's a pretty real deal. The management must did everything they can to take down those articles about it. Having some troublesome artists must really a pain in head.

I read some articles again, until the outside were no longer dim.

AS FOR THE the next day, I was planning on not attending my class today, but I was absent for the whole week last time so dropped the idea.

'Mist, I can't come after school. I'll be gone somewhere.'

I told him that our session would be cancelled for today.

The class today ended normally. But as of Riss, I didn't see even his shadow. Of course I texted him, but still have no response from him.

I fixed my things and decided to go to that place after class. The sun's still here and if it's posibble, I don't want to stay there until the sun's can't no longer see.

When I was infront of the hospital, I took a deep breath before going inside.

That's right. Today's the day for the results. My doctor texted me this morning and told me to come here if I already have some free time.

I messaged him that I'm here already. But I still need to check for my appointment with him today at the counter.

It didn't take some time before a nurse assists me to the familiar room. It was the doctor's office last time.

I knocked before entering. The said doctor is here.

And same as last time, he was reading some papers on his hand.

"Doc." He stopped on reading and raises his head.

As for his reply, he nodded. "Good evening, Mr. Florese."

I went to the empty seat beside of his table and sat there. He left his table for a moment and and took something from the other table's cabinet.

It's a brown envelope.

"As you already know, I got the result of your test last week." He raised the envelope he was holding and sat back on his chair. "But before we go further, I want to ask you about something first." He added.

Right now, even just a bit, I feel anxious. But I still nodded for my response. "Sure."

"How's your parents?" I was bewildered by an unexpected question.

But still, "I... only have my Dad since when I was born. He took care of me just by himself."

"Is he.. a Beta?" He asked.

Should I tell him? "... No. An Omega." Well, it should be fine. He's a Doctor afterall.

His face didn't change. Just nods for an answer. "And your other Dad?"

I shook my head. "I don't know anything about him. And I also don't have any plans on searching for him either."

He nodded and looked at the envelope in his hands. "Is it... possible for me to see your Dad first?"

What? "Why? Can't I just know the results myself?" It's my condition afterall.

"Well, I just wanted to discuss this with your guardian first, before you." He said. Why? Is my condition really that serious?

"... I'm not dying, right?"

He looks shocked. "No! Ofcourse not. You're healthy as a horse."

What? "Then tell me what the result says."

"Well, about your father, I must discus-"

"He can't come. He won't." I cutted him off. My Dad can't even look at me straight in the eyes. There's no way I could ask him to go here.

There was a short pause, before he sighed. "Okay. I got it. Then for my last question." Another one again? "The Alpha you met last time, how was it? Did something weird happened again with him?"

Alpha? Is he talking about Klod? "...Still the same I must say-"

A sudden thought came in my head. When I met him last time, when he kissed me, there was no sweet scent coming from him.

The sweet strong scent wasn't there, but the kiss and his lips itself was sweet.

My face flushes on that thought. Did I really think that his lips is sweet?

"What's with your face?" I heard the Doctor said. I cleared my throat to not make it more awkward.

"Ahem. Well, something weird happened."


"Yeah. Last time I saw him, I didn't smell any scent from him."

I saw he frowned. "Really?"

I nodded. "Yes." He kissed me a lot but there was no hint of the familiar smell.

His eyes thinned. "... He didn't do any intimate things with you?"

My eyes widened. What? "...Why asked."

"Well, it's for my patient's health, you see."

I frowned this time. "Tsk. He... did." It's kinda embarrassing to admit it.

"Hmm.." His index and thumb fingers were now on his chin. "It doesn't make sense." He was thinking about something, perhaps. "And by the way, make sure to use protection everytime." He added.

"W-What...?" That caught me off guard and gasped. What the hell is he thinking?!

"As for your results," He ignored me. "Your brain, heart, intestines and other organs are perfectly fine." He read the papers that was on the envelope. "And also, your blood."

Then, there's nothing wrong with my body afterall. It must be just a misunderstanding in my part, smelling things like that.

"But Mr. Florese, there was something I found out in your blood." The tone of his voice became serious.


He didn't leave my eyes, as he says those words. "You're... an Omega."



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