Jungkook's teammates were gossiping about Yukhei.

"Who's that?"

"A new student from the figure skating team. He's a young prodigy. When he came, he had his team."

"That amazing? Compared to my Ice God, who's better?"

"Don't be an idiot. How do you compare apples with watermelons?"

"I like watermelons."

"I like kiwis."


Jungkook felt his ears hurt from their clamor.


That night, Taehyung did not have dinner with Jungkook. They also did not study together.

On the second level of the library, Jungkook was a little bored after finishing his assignments. Thus, he began to flip through the books on the shelves.

As he browsed, he saw a familiar-looking book. He thought for a while before remembering Taehyung and reading it previously.

It was the biography of a Tang dynasty princess. The cover looked rather innocuous. After thumbing through the book for a while, his face heated. He mumbled, "That rogue."

At night, the rogue barged into his dreams.

This time, he did not flee. If he did not flee, what did he do?

Jungkook did not know; he could not explain clearly. He only knew that Taehyung was at his side. He could smell his scent and be fully enveloped in it as if he had sunk into soft clouds. Taehyung drew near and spoke into his ears, his body tangled with his. As for Taehyung's hand? What was his hand doing? He did not know...

His dream was a series of chaotic fragments. However, what his body felt was so vivid that it seemed real. The joy, the delight, the...

When he woke, Jungkook opened his eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling, his eyes filled with a confused haze.

It was already daybreak. However, the curtains were drawn. The room was dim and his roommates were still sleeping. Snores filled the room. Donghee appeared to be eating something in his dream and smacked his lips in between snores.

His three roommates were making as much noise as a symphony orchestra.

Jungkook moved a little and felt cold slickness beneath him. He shut his eyes and placed his hand over his forehead.

His head hurt.


While attending lessons in the morning, Jungkook received a WeChat transfer notification from Taehyung.

He had transferred him 37,550 won.

Looking at this number, Jungkook drew his brows together.

A message notification from Taehyung came in: Use it to buy bones, Ice Dog. Count it as my debt to you from my past life.

I was just fooling with you.

...??? What do you mean?

I said, I was just fooling with you. You don't have to pass me any money.

He sent this message and proceeded to transfer Taehyung a sum of money as well; it was the pay that he should have given to Taehyung.

Taehyung suspected that this was another of Jungkook's schemes. He hesitated for a moment before concluding decisively that one should not be too greedy for petty gains. There were way too many cautionary tales on television that showed people being swindled due to greed.

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