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Sebina filled everyone's champagne glasses while they lounged in their bikinis and swimming trunks in the rooftop pool. It was lucky that they all were at the Hilton Yaounde because they could stay in the pool until they got tired.

"Bert..." Kalin was saying as Sebina took off the robe she had on on top of her swimsuit. "Bert was an ass when we were together but he looks tamed now. I dont know what this woman, Sebina, is doing to you but whatever it is, she should keep it up."

Everyone agreed and Bert turned his head to watch as the said woman walked towards the stairs, looking like a snack in the black and blue ensemble. He could feel the blood rushing to his phallus and he was glad that the pool was not that well lit.

Sebina made her way into the water, all eyes on her, not giving a damn about the cellulite and stretch marks the bikini revealed. She wasn't thick but she had a nice proportional body which drove the men she had been with crazy.

She swam over to Bert and floated beside him, her champagne glass in hand. She looked at him and smiled and he had to force himself to look away before he said or did something that could get him into trouble with Sebina.

The conversations they had were amazing and eventually the men got out of the water to leave the women to gossip.

"I can't believe you're engaged," Andrew, Cass' husband said, taking a swig from his beer as he helped himself to some food from the platter they had brought with them.  "She's a gem, that woman."

Bert drank his beer. He didn't want to talk about this, not when he couldn't even have the woman he was supposedly engaged to. "She is a gem," he agreed, glancing at the women as they laughed.

Kalin's husband looked at him. "Kalin was swearing that this was a fake engagement beause you wanted to get the tender. She knew that Andrew here and his wife like Sebina. She was going to expose you if you won."

Andrew laughed. "Women," he said.

Bert's eyes went to Kalin for a moment before she looked up and saw him staring at her. She smiled and waved. Evil woman.

"So when is the wedding?" Andrew asked.

Bert almost choked on his beer. "We haven't picked a date yet."

"Better pick soon. I miss some African cuisine. Like serious Mala-moholu (tripe) and pap (porridge) cooked in the black pots outside on an open fire. You're having a traditional wedding, right?"

"We'll see."

Meanwhile, Cass and Kalin were grilling Sebina about Bert, huddled in the corner of the pool with their glasses never going empty of champagne. They giggled as they spoke about their husbands, Sebina opting to not talk much and changing the topic when things got to Bert.

She glanced at him and he was looking at her, drinking.

"Now, there's a man in love if I ever saw one," Cass said, wringing her wet red hair.

"Tell me about it," Kalin filled in, smirking. "I hate the man but I've never seen him look at someone like this. Girl, you got me capital J."

Sebina smiled. "Doesn't your husband look at you the same?"

"Girl, please. That was once upon a time. Now we just tolerate each other. We haven't been happy for a while. He got jealous of Bert because I kept trying to rub my success in the man's face. I was obsessed with getting my revenge so much that I forgot my husband."

"You know what, Kalin, we're going to get you back on that horse again," Sebina said.

Cass giggled. "Juicy."

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