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The light was creeping into the room and Sebina turned...or tried to turn to her other side but something was keeping her tightly locked in. She realised that whatever was keeping her in was just a pair of arms and as she looked up, she was met by the face of Faizal.

Her heart raced as she pushed away from him, jumping out of bed and waking him up.

He lay dazed for a second as he rubbed his eyes before sitting up and looking at her shocked self. She unconsciously tried to fix her bed hair even though she knew that her hands wouldn't make a difference. He then got out of bed and went to the bathroom without a word. A second later, she heard the shower running.

Taking advantage of the moment, she quickly looked around for her clothes and shoes then grabbed them and ran out of the room, intent on finding a ride home. She would explain everything to Bert later.

Just after she made it down the stairs, Bert came out of the kitchen, frustrated on the phone. When he looked up, a flood of emotions ran through his face before he dropped the phone which clattered to the floor and embraced the horrified Sebina.

"You're okay...you're okay," he breathed with relief. "I kept trying to call you but your phone is off and I called your PA but he said you weren't home and then I sent my men to look but all this time, you've been in the house! Where did you sleep?"

He had been speaking so fast Sebina only blinked. "Hmm?"

Bert took her hand and led her to the kitchen where he forced her to drink a banana smoothie despite her attempts not to eat.

"Where did you sleep?" he asked again.

She looked at him. "I got drunk yesterday and I was trying to go to your bedroom but I ended up sleeping in the guest bedroom," she quickly said. "Sorry."

Bert laughed. "You had me so worried for nothing? I almost sent an army to look for you. Where'd you get the shirt? T.S. College? Looks good on you."

Sebina blushed. "Thank you. I got it out of the wardrobe in the guest bedroom." She did not want to mention Faizal. 

Speak of the devil.

The man came into the kitchen, dressed in his uniform blue shirt and cap with the company logo together with a pair of black jeans. He tipped his cap in greeting to them.

"I just want to thank you for your hospitality last night, Mr. Acheampong," he said. "I am going to head out for work."

Bert looked at him. "Look, I know that you've refused my offer to help but I just wanted to let you know that the Engels property is still up, free of charge if you're still looking for a place."

Sebina saw Faizal's nose flare-a sign of anger usually. She stared at him.

"Like I said last time, you've done more than enough for me, sir. I will eventually find something. You two have a good day." He walked out, his left hand clenched.

Sebina simply stared after him. What had just happened? She turned to Bert. "Hard times?"

"Between you and me, the place he is renting just increased rent and with his family which lives in some district away and his 1 year old son...supporting two households...it's taking a toll on him. I want to give him some money to do something but I can't increase his salary and leave the other employees out. That would be discriminative in a way and I am not that kind of businessman. So I tried to give him the keys to my other home, free of charge but Faizal...he doesn't like handouts as he calls them. I was simply trying to help without bringing money into it. I have been in his place before and I was actually homeless at some point. I never want to see that happen to my staff."

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