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Bert was being a dick.

"You should have asked him first before doing that!" he hissed at Sebina.

She had just told him that she had sent Faizal money a few days back all because he had helped her out-she wouldn't tell Bert that Faizal had ordered her food. She did not understand why Bert was so worked up when he had been trying to do the same thing.

"You have tried giving him money before! Why can't I?"

"First of all, you don't know him, alright? And he does not take kindly to being treated like a charity case! I thought you saw his reaction that day in the kitchen-he was angry!"

"That's his problem-"

"No! It's your problem, Sebina. You have to ask first if something is alright with a person before doing it! I am so angry at you right now because he is going to think I put you up to it!"

"Why do you care so much what he thinks?!" Sebina yelled, getting off the kitchen stool she was seated on.

Bert breathed to calm down. "I do not care what he thinks but he made it clear he does not want money, not from me, not from anyone."

"Why won't you give him a promotion like he asked then?" Sebina fired. "You can see he is struggling and he won't accept handouts amd he's clearly good at handling your business when you can't be present! Just give the man what he damn well deserves."

"Why are you all up in his business?" Bert asked calmly. "Is there something I need to know? You have been insisting on this promotion since day one. Is there something you want to tell me?"

Sebina scoffed. "Whatever you're suggesting, don't you dare say it." She grabbed her bag and tried to walk out but Bert grabbed her by her arm and pulled her into his arms.

"I'm sorry. I just thought..."

"No. Don't think it. I have standards, Bert."

He kissed her. "Forgive me?"


He kept kissing towards her neck. "Please?"

She slightly trembled as he grazed his teeth across the sensitive flesh on her neck. "No-no..." she breathed.

He picked her up and deposited her on the counter as she bit her lip and rubbed the top of his head in circles while he went down on his knees, between her legs.

As they say, the rest was forgiven and forgotten.


As Sebina made her weekly maintenance rounds around the Sonar Fleet cars that were being rented out this week, she couldn't help but notice that Faizal was not here like he usually was.

Instead, there was a new face and the man explained that he was just filling in because Faizal was not feeling well apparently.

Sebina nodded and did her work. When she was done, she walked to Bert's office as usual and knocked on the door since the secretary was nowhere to be found.

The door was locked and when she peeked through the gap between the door and the floor, she realised that someone had intentionally put something to block the view.

"Ms. Sebina?" someone suddenly said and she turned only to see the secretary glaring at her like she had done something wrong. "You're supposed to wait if I am not at my desk."

"Well, I dropped something on the floor and I thought it rolled so I wanted-"

"Please spare me. Mr. Acheampong is currently in a meeting. Please have a seat and wait."

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