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Sebina was glad that it was the weekend because Tebello was visiting Papa back at the mini farm until Sunday. She quickly fixed herself up and put on her overalls and bandana, intent on getting this week's last plexi repair done as well as pay her staff that had done great work over the weeks on the new clients cars.

The clients just kept coming and she had been forced to poach a few experienced employees from some local mechanics so as to complete the works on the cars before their owners came to fetch them. The new employees were temporary until the clients stopped overflowing but considering the way the were doing the work, Sebina was considering taking them on full time.

In the afternoon when it was lunch, she got into her car and drove to the pizza place in town to get herself a small pizza and some pudding and ice cream. She parked and walked into the packed place, careful to distance herself a little so as not to mess up the dressed up people milling about.

"How can I help you, sir?" the teenage girl behind the counter asked.

Sebina took off the cap that was shadowing her face. "Ma'am," she said. "I'll get a small Club and a pudding on the side, cooled and topped with ice cream. Thank you."

"Great. I am sorry for calling you sir...it's just that the mechanic overalls and the cap...anyway, that will be 45.50."

Sebina placed a 50 on the counter. "Keep the change." She took her receipt and waited.

While waiting, she heard someone to her side trying to hush a crying baby while the girl at the counter kept talking loudly about the card being declined. Everyone was staring at whoever the person with the child was.

Sebina turned to find an embarrassed Faizal who had a small light skinned baby boy, about a year old or so, strapped to his chest, trying to get him to stop crying.

"Can you try it again?" Faizal asked.

"Declined," the girl said after trying.

"Get out of the line if you cannot afford the food!" someone yelled.

Sebina quickly walked over and placed her arms around Faizal and the boy. "Sweety, I am so sorry for overdrawing the account," she said, loud enough for everyone to hear. "I already got the pizza and the pudding. I'll make it up to you when we get home." She placed a kiss on the shocked Faizal's cheek.

To her shock, the little boy grabbed her face so that he could get a kiss, his drool filled mouth landing on her nose instead before Faizal forced him to let go, making some of the people laugh.

Sebina was rooted where she was with shock and disgust. Kids. She hated kids. And now this one had just gone and drooled all over her nose. She tried not to let her disgust show and simply smiled, leading Faizal away to wait with her.

"Uggh," she murmured as she wiped her nose with her hand. Then she looked at Faizal.

"I should go," he said.

Sebina rolled her eyes. "Yeah. You'll save me a pizza and a pudding."

Faizal glared at her. "You are impossible," he said as the baby cooed on his chest.

"Well, you were nice to me last time by sending lunch so I figured I could repay the favor."

"Wasn't the money enough? I kept it. You can have it back-"

"But it looks like you need it more than I do-"

"Order 123!!" The girl at the counter called out.

Sebina went and got the pizza then went outside to Faizal's car with him, opening the passenger door and sitting down.

"What are you doing?!" Faizal screeched while he strapped the baby into his seat.

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