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It was Friday evening, almost time for closing and her friends were coming over for the weekend since they had all been so busy over the week. Sebina couldn't help being excited as she bobbed her head in rythm to the music that was playing in the workshop while she worked on the front bumper of the Toyota that had come in earlier after a traffic accident.

"Someone's in a good mood," Ntai laughed as he watched her. He was the only one dressed impeccably in a suit while the rest were dressed in overalls.

There was a reason why Sebina never let him into an overall even though he had tried to help out in the workshop. Ntai knew absolutely nothing about cars. He had somehow broken the radiator the day he tried to help out and that was the last time Sebina ever let him try to help. He had been told that his job was strictly in the office and nowhere else. He was more than happy.

"My friends are coming for the weekend and I know they're crazy so we're about to have a blast! Haven't seen them in ages."

"Can I come? I like older women."

Sebina laughed. "I know you do. But this is 30+ friends only. Imma take you out next time. Just me and you, drinks on me. I'm gonna bless you."

Ntai looked at her with a smile. "You have no idea how much I would like that. Don't stand me up please."

She grinned. "It's not a date just so we're clear but I promise."

"It's good enough for me." He went back to the office.

As soon as she finished at the workshop, she rushed home and quickly prepared for the call from her friends. It came as soon as she was done and after talking, she made her way to the gentlemen's club they had decided to go to.

Yes. A gentlemen's club. A strip club.

It was Michael, her only male friend's birthday anyway and he deserved to get some big booties and tiddies jiggling in his face. Maeraa, her friend, already had passes for them and they walked in, already heading straight for the bar as some men stared in surprise at them. They were among the few women present in the club.

"Michael!" Sebina yelled over the music after ordering them three shots each. It was time to get messy. She held a shot glass up. "You..." She put her arm around him. "Are the best friend anyone could ever ask for. You're an amazing guy and I'm glad your wife allowed you to come with us. I love that woman! Here's to thirty two!! Happy Birthday, Nunu." She planted a kiss on his cheek as Maeraa cheered and placed another on his other cheek.

They downed their shots one after another.

"Let's party!" Maeraa screamed as she took out some cash and distributed it among the three of them.

Sebina adjusted her bodysuit so that it sat perfectly over her figure, accentuating every dip. She knew she looked good because some men were staring at her instead of the strippers in their laps.

Maeraa pointed to a particularly big bootied dancer who had black strappy leather underwear on with a couple of leather garter belts. She smiled seductively at Michael and beckoned the trio over, tying her hair in a ponytail.

Sebina and Maeraa cheered as the dancer pushed Michael into a plush chair and started grinding into him as he stared at every part of her in awe. Sebina was a matchstick compared to the voluptuous young temptress. They started throwing cash at Michael and the beauty.

Sebina went back to the bar to get drinks then headed to Maeraa as they found somewhere to sit where a young dancer was entertaining them. They talked and laughed and after two drinks, Sebina was up on the mini stage where the stripper was while Maeraa egged her on.

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