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The address Ntai dropped her off was something that looked like it had come out of a TV show about modern architecture or grand living. It was the most mansion mansion she had ever seen, even those on TV incomparable!

"Call me as soon as the dinner is over," Ntai called through the window. "Do not...I repeat, do not sleep over at this man's house."

"Where are you going?! That's my car! You got gas money?!" she hissed at him.

He grinned then drove away. Sebina looked at him with distaste before making her way to the door, patting down her hair just to feel in control. She breathed in deeply before the doorman, who was staring at her with a small smirk opened the door to let her in.

She stepped into a brightly lit hallway as men and women in expensive attire walked around, waiters and waitresses darting about them, offering them drinks and condiments as they mingled.

"Drink for you, ma'am?" a blond waiter asked with a charming smile.

She smiled back at him and grabbed a flute of champagne from his tray. "Thank you."

He nodded and made his way to other guests.

Sebina awkwardly stood in the middle of the room, sipping on champagne, a few of the male guests eyeing her. She realised that among the beautifully dressed women here, she looked slightly scanty because her body was exposed but she knew she looked beautiful so let the people feast their eyes!

The guests were ushered to what looked like a ballroom and Sebina tried to follow but a man stopped her.

"Mr. Acheampong would like for you to wait for him here," the man said with a stoic face. "He apologises for making you wait...ah! Here he comes!"

Sebina looked up at the staircase and Bert Acheampong looked exquisite! His grey tight fit suit fit his muscular frame nicely and his hair and beard glimmered with oil, both neatly brushed. Sebina could not help but stare as the man made his way down the stairs, his cologne wafting to her nose only seconds before he made it to her.

He grinned like a schoolboy when he saw her. "Thank you for coming. You look beautiful."

She smiled. "Thanks to you."

"May I?" He brought his arm for her to hook hers around. "I honestly owe you one for agreeing to be my date," he said, gazing at her. "You look great, Sebina. I feel like a man amongst men right now. Thank you for gracing me with your presence."

Sebina tried not to blush as the doormen opened the doors, leading the two into the roomful of people, all Bert's guests. They looked at him as he made his way through with Sebina on his arm, both smiling as Bert greeted some of his guests, careful not to introduce Sebina yet because they had not established how he would introduce her which she was grateful for, not wanting to be thrust into girlfriend mode on the spot.

Bert gave a small speech to his guests and as he talked to them, Sebina looked around, admiring the rich people, already picking her targets.

Then her eyes caught some green ones and she smiled, waving slightly to the man.

Faizal cleared his throat and gave her a small nod, adjusting his bow tie over his tight fit. When Mr. Acheampong had invited him, he had made the effort to look good because he knew that Sebina would be there but he had not expected for her to be on his arm, almost like a couple. He had retreated into the corner of the room to stay in the shadows so as not to be seen but the very person he was trying to avoid had seen him.

Mr. Acheampong got done with his speech and Sebina turned her attention back to him.

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen!" Bert said into the mic and then he retreated with Sebina, joining some guests at the main table. Bert turned to converse with the man beside her.

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