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Dinner went well even though it was mostly filled by Sebina just standing still and looking pretty while Bert networked with the guests. Now and then, she would talk to some guests to advertise her business but it seemed most of the guests had already been told about her by the clients she had taken from Bert.

With a smile on her face all night, she acted the part of new fiance out to her heart's content, just to make Bert a happy man this night even though the people he had been expecting didn't show up.

As Sebina sat at a random table, sipping her champagne, Bert walked over and placed a small kiss on her cheek, catching her off guard. She quickly looked at him, surprised because they didn't agree on any type of sexual affection display.

"My associates are looking this way and they've just heard about you so I thought I'd give them a little show," he explained.

"This just cost you."

"Anything you want." Bert smiled then sat down beside her.

Sebina nodded then allowed Bert to hold her left hand, her ring being on display for the envious rich women and men to see. She smiled at Bert, looking at him like an infatuated teenager, to sell this fake engagement.

"I don't care if you're with Faizal," Bert stated put of nowhere.  "I still want and care for you, Sebina and I am going to make sure that you see that."

Sebina bit her sharp tongue but her nose flared slightly. "Nothing you do will make me change my mind. And have the energy to respect Faizal. He may not be here but he is the man that I want, not you and I will I tolerate you disrespecting him like that."

"I am not going to apologise. Faizal took what belongs to me. I will fight to be-"

"Let's not do this. Not here. I am here for our deal and I want to have a good time. We'll talk about this later. Excuse me." Sebina got up and went to the ladies room to refresh her makeup.

As she washed her hands, a beautiful brunette walked in, making a beeline for her. The woman looked to be older than Sebina, dressed impeccably like the rich woman she was.

"He does pick them young, doesn't he?" she said, openly staring at Sebina who glanced at her. "Kalin Stoudemire."

"Were you one of his women?"

"Ages ago. But that's a ship that has sailed. This was quite a quick engagement. Especially coming from Bert. One moment our associates are gushing about this sensational mechanic woman who has stolen Bert's heart and a few months down the line you two are engaged? A few months after Bert was sort of not so hushedly promised to be considered for the car tender if he brought your delightful ass over?"

Sebina closed the running tap and looked at the brunette. "Say what you want to say. Use your words, Kalin."

"You two are more fake than chinese rip-offs."

"Oh, really?"

"Really. I found it too convenient for him because Cass, the redhead that will be awarding the contract loves you. Talking about the wonderful mechanic woman at every damn party. I'd say I'm jealous but it's more than that. My husband and I worked our asses off to get where we are in life and you're just going to hand Bert the tender on a silver platter just because someone likes you? I am mad."

"That sounds serious. You should see a doctor about that."

"What happened to girl power? Women working in solidarity?"

"I just met you and I haven't even liked you in the two seconds we've talked. Don't try to guilt trip me into your feminism bullshit. Girl power my ass. And you're doing this for your husband."

"I am just concerned that you'd stoop so low. Is he paying you? I know Bert... he's not the marriage type. Been engaged once and he never did it again. What's in this for you?"

"If you want Bert Acheampong, just say it. If you want to talk about girl power, you should be talking about new business ventures with potentials like me. You're into cars. I'm into cars and if we liked each other, we would have made a great team. That, is girl power. You, are an ass."

Kalin smirked. "This is my card." She gave a small laminated piece of paper to Sebina. "You and Bert are shitting us and I know it but can't prove it. Call me when you are willing to make half a million, something more than what Bert is paying you."

Sebina stared at the woman. Then she smirked. "And what makes you so certain that he is paying me?"

"Oh! I don't know...maybe the fact that I know everything about my competition. Well, almost everything. Like how fake you two are. And Bert...he is a selfish man that does only what benefits him. Pick who you get in bed with wisely." Kalin shrugged before walking out.

Sebina stared after her even after she left. Between her thumb and index sat the business card Kalin had just given her.

Half a million!! Over 150 000 more than what Bert was going to pay her!

She put the card in her purse then went back to Bert.


He was sat around a poker table in the gambling room, watching as the men and women played the cards, betting money.  He wasn't a man to play with his money like that so he usually just sat and watched, drinking away the night.

His eye caught Sebina standing alone near one of the machines and he realised that she was not enjoying herself.

"Your medie (woman) is super fine, Bert," one of the men around the poker table said. "Where'd you get that one?"

Before he could answer, his fiercest competitors, the Stoudemires answered. The wife answered. "Small time mechanic," she said. "Gifted though. She's real good with cars. For just the right amount of money, she can give you the best services."

Bert glanced at her, frowning. "You make her sound like a prostitute."

The table went quiet.

"Your words, not mine. After all, you once had a reputation for trying to turn one into a housewife. Remember her? Your lovely ex fiance? Wasn't she one of those Dubai types? What makes this one different?"

Bert became angered. "Sebina is a hard working mechanic trying to build her own empire. Don't you fucking disrespect her like that, vile woman."

"You mean one of your whores that you paid just because Cass took a liking to her?!"

Bert had never so badly wanted to hit a woman. "You're a bitter bitch. Even if I don't get the tender, I hope it is never awarded to someone like you." He looked at her husband. "How do you live with the devil himself? This woman..."

With that, he left, walking to Sebina and gently grabbing her arm.

"Are you alright?" she asked when she saw his angry face.

"No. But I'll be as soon as we get out of here."

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