Chapter 19

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TW: I'm tired of writing these. They spoil the chapter.
(Ranboo's POV)
They all dragged their feet during the long walk back to their castle's portal. When he stepped out, he was surprised to see a nurse rushing towards them.

"Your Majesties!" She cried, almost out of breath.

"What is it?" Asked Wilbur nervously.

"Melissa went into preterm labor and she's been laboring since this morning."

Kristin suddenly straightened and paled, sensing something off. Phil rushed to her side.

"Are you alright?" He asked urgently.

"I think I need to sit down." She said weakly. Her husband helped her find a chair and stood with her.

"Take us to her." Urged Ranboo.

The short woman complied and he rushed there with Techno, (Y/n), and Wilbur. They got to the infirmary where he paused as he heard his wife's painful cries.

"Melissa!" He burst through the door with (Y/n) and gasped.

She was sweating profusely and there was blood everywhere. Her eyes seemed dim as Sally kindly held her hand.

"Ran-" She screamed painfully again as he rushed to her side.

"I'm right here!" He said as his anxiety went through the roof. She shouldn't have been alone. He should have been here.

"I can take it from here, Sally." (Y/n) said quietly to the female, who nodded and left the room. She squeezed her daughter's hand as she continued to labor painfully.

A nurse came in as the woman screamed again. She tugged on Ranboo's shoulder.

"Sir, we need you to leave." He was about to protest. "You need to give them room to work." She said firmly.

He was shoved out the door with the lasting image of blood and her fading eyes in his mind.

Techno was pacing anxiously outside. He paused, seeing the man. He helped him over to a seat as Ranboo's mind kept repeating those images.

"You were only in there for five minutes! What's going on?"

But Ranboo couldn't respond, couldn't think straight. His brain was flooded with horrible images and notions. The thought of losing her or the baby weighed way to heavily on his mind. Meanwhile, the Techno and now Tommy were trying to get a answer or even a response from him. They had sent Fundy away from the scene.

After a few moments, a nurse came out and Ranboo finally looked up. She avoided his gaze though making that pit of fear only grow. He pushed past her quickly and rushed to Melissa's side. (Y/n) was sobbing and he almost stopped breathing.

"I was just here...!" He could hardly speak. "I was just here, she was just awake! Melissa!" He shook her shoulders, hoping against hope for a response. But her eyes were dark and her chest refused to move. "Melissa, please." He begged his voice barely above a whisper. He touched her forehead with his own as he prayed this was all a dream.

(No one's POV)
Techno, ever strong, was holding (Y/n) close now as she sobbed into him. A few tears slipped down his cheek though. Tommy was holding it back alright from his corner. Sally and Wilbur had just made it. The latter felt guilty he hadn't been here to help. Everyone there had tears and that numbness of loss.

"There's-there is one more option." Everyone turned to the door to see Marth. Despite his battered shape of his previous imprisonment, he stood tall and waiting. "I don't know if it will work." He sounded unsure. "But I can try." He wiped a few tears as he saw Melissa's state.

"Please, Marth. I'd give the world to get her back." Begged a desperate Ranboo. Marth nodded, taking a deep breath to calm himself.

Everyone silently agreed to let him do it alone, except for his mom, who stayed. He took a deep breath again, still unsure of himself. (Y/n) put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed slightly.

Then he took his sister's cold hand and his blind eye suddenly opened again. It was searching for her lost soul. He spotted one of a sparkling rose color that hovered nearby. Knowing his sister by instinct, he felt it come into his grasp. And carefully, he breathed the life back into her.

He opened his eyes as (Y/n) gasped. Melissa's skin was pink again and her chest was rising and falling like normal. Her stomach looked like she had never been pregnant. And though her eyes were closed, he knew he had done it.

The family all came back and hugged the boy. Ranboo thanked him again fervently. But his mom still saw his aches, so she pushed him to go get healed himself.

~(Timeskip 2 Days)~
Ranboo was sitting next to her again. They had moved her to a clean room. He held their baby in his arms ever so gently. The whole castle had been fawning over the boy ever since he appeared. He was humming softly to Aero, their son, when suddenly she groaned and turned over. Ranboo froze as they made eye contact.

"Ranboo? Why am I in the infirmary?" She sat up quickly. "And who's baby is that?" She quickly got apprehensive and glanced down at her middle. "Wait..."

"Mel, this is our son." He smiled as he held the small bundle out to her. She gently took him and admired all his small features as a few tears crept down her cheeks. "Are you alright?" He placed a hand on her shoulder.

"He's...beautiful." She sniffled and smiled. "Y' mom once told me about moment a mother has when she has a baby. Your heart melts and you just love them with all your heart and you'd do anything to protect that baby." She paused. "This is it. This is that moment, Ranboo." He kissed her forehead as she looked at him. Her attention was quickly back to the child as she leaned close. "I'm your mama." She said softly. And they sat there awhile, admiring their little boy.

A/n: Well, now it's on to the epilogue. I hope you all enjoyed the ride. Make sure to drink something and have an amazing day/night! ♡

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