Chapter 11

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(Techno's POV)
That moment of silence was overbearing. But, it only lasted for just that, a moment. She dashed with an overjoyed cry into his arms. He engulfed her in a hug, happy he didn't have to pretend anymore.

"Oh, I missed you so much." She said, tears of joy pouring down her face. Wilbur smiled from the side while Marth just looked very confused.

"I missed you too." He whispered. She let go and took a good look at him. A big smile grew on her face as he rubbed his neck.

"Look how much you've grown!" She laughed. "Thirty some years really do change people."

"Yeah, a lot has happened since you left." He turned to Marth suddenly, who was scratching his chin trying to comprehend the situation. "Marth, this is my sister. I haven't seen her in years." The young male's mouth made a little o. "Althea, this is my son." Her smile grew ever wider.

"You've been busy, I see." He only rolled his eyes at the comment.

"How about you go back to your sister now?" He told the boy, who nodded and walked off. "And let's find you a room and some new clothes." She paused as he said that.

"Um..." Her smile dropped.

"I agree. Think you can take care of it, Techno?" Wilbur finally jumped in. With a nod from the other, the king gave a big smile to Althea. "I'll see you later then." He waved and walked away.

"And this alright? For me to just move in? What about my son?" She asked anxiously. He squeezed her hands to console her.

"Of course it's alright. And we can send some men to bring your son here." She relaxed at his words.

"Alright." She said quietly as he led her away from the spot.

~(Timeskip a few hours)~
(Althea's POV)
She had stared at the room around her in disbelief when she first saw it. The tidy place had rich brown floors with a similar colored bed. The closet had a few dresses inside it of different styles. The bathroom had everything she had needed to clean up. She sat now at the desk near the balcony. Her pink, and slightly grey, hair fell in soft waves down her back. A grey and black dress fit snugly on her frame as she tapped her fingers impatiently.

Techno had said he'd return soon and take her to meet his wife and the rest of his family

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Techno had said he'd return soon and take her to meet his wife and the rest of his family. She would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous.

She jumped as a tapping was heard on the door.

"Come in!" She called. Her little brother stepped in. he was taller than her. She smiled up at him.

"Feeling better?" He asked, making her laugh.

"Of course! You have been so generous, how could I not feel great?" He smiled at her response.

"Alright. Ready to go then?" She nodded nervously as he opened the door for her to follow him.

A comfortable silence settled between the two siblings. But her thoughts wandered as she glanced out the tall windows.

"Do the voices still bother you?" She asked without thinking and immediately looked away. But not getting a response, she glanced at him. The soft smile on his face made her rethink everything.

"No. They left a long time ago when I found my counter for them." But before he could say anything more, he opened the door to a room. Two beautiful women sat inside the family room discussing something about children...?

(Y/n) looked up and smiled seeing her spouse. (Y/n) had been discussing different tips about babies with Melissa. The young woman looked up as well as Techno entered with a stranger.

"Hey, Angel and Mel. I'd like you two to meet my sister, Althea." The woman mentioned smile slightly timid as (Y/n) stood quickly.

"It's so nice to meet you!" She cried and embraced the older woman.

"I thought you said she disappeared." Mel asked, confused.

"Well, she appeared not long ago and now she's going to stay here." Thea smiled at her brother and his wife with gratitude.

Melissa suddenly gave a little cry of pain and the three older ones turned quickly to look at her. The pinkette was rubbing her growing middle. (Y/n) gasped and was back on the couch in a second, squeezing her hand.

"Are you okay?" She anxiously asked her daughter. The latter made a face of pure agony as she took a few deep breaths..

"Yeah, just some cramps. Really bad ones." Her voice came out as strained. Althea glanced between her brother and the young woman, noticing their similar features.

"Is she your daughter?" She asked quietly. Techno turned to her, still with a worried face.

"Yes. Pregnant with my grandson." He then went to help her.

Althea seemed caught in the seemingly simple moment. The love in all their eyes was obvious. It made her remember a time when she felt loved. A time when she wasn't begging and stealing for a living.

She bit her lip to try and keep the memories down, but seeing Techno and (Y/n) so happy and in love made it all flood her mind.

Maybe, just maybe, this place would let her heal. Her son was on his way. She had found her brother after decades of not even knowing if he was okay. His family was beyond kind. Maybe....

Her eyes found the blue sky out the window. Clouds move on from the sun. She should be able to move on from him especially after so many years.

Taking a deep breath and wiping a rogue tear, she put on a smile and approached her new family. A warmth filled her as (Y/n) smiled back at her. It felt right.

A/n: sorry it's a little short but there's more to come. Thanks for reading and remember to take care of yourselves. Have a great day/night! Love you all. ♡

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