Chapter 2

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(Marth's POV)
"A tyrant?" He stared in shock. In all his time here, he had never seen or heard about a dictator.

"He puts half the towns in poverty! Taken some of the longest standing businesses and drilled them into the ground from his greed! I don't understand why that greedy interaction-starved booger hasn't been overthrown!" Her fist hit the counter with the outburst.

"Who is he though?" He furrowed his brows, trying to remember any mention of people of power.

"DreamXD." She sighed. "He's been the king since the beginning of time, as my grandmother always said. As far as everyone in town knows, he has no kin. So if he dies, so does his bloodline. Thought, from what I'm seeing, old age isn't exactly his forte." His breath caught at the name she said.

"DreamXD? Dream's dead though! How can there two?!" His breath quickened remembering the battle and how the villain had kidnapped his sister.

Please. Twins are very possible. You should know.

Leave me alone. He ordered silently. The voice didn't respond so he sighed in relief.

"What do you mean two? And he likes to be addressed by his full name, DreamXD. I don't know who or what you're talking about, but it must have been bad for that kind of reaction. Would you like some water?" She motioned towards the sink, to which he quickly shook his head.

"No, no. My family had to take down a powerful man named Dream. He tried to manipulate us and kidnapped my sister. But how could there be another?" He clutches his head in his hands.

"Oh, jeez! I couldn't imagine that happening! Is your sister okay?" He nods quickly. "Does she know your here?" He pauses then sighs.

"No....I haven't seen her in years." He sniffles as he thought of his twin out there. She paused before responding.

"Why did you leave her? If you're going to say any dumb reason like 'safety' or 'because I had to' then you can forget responding, because that's not a reason." He was taken aback as she went on. "She probably felt safer around with you around rather than away. I know I would if I got kidnapped and separated from my twin. I'd never want him leave if I saw him again." Her purple eyes lock with his blue ones. He slumps and holds his face in his hands.

"I know I'm an awful twin. But what else can you do when a horrible person threatens your family?" Tears slip out accidentally from his closed eyes. He missed them. Melissa above all. His other half. The one person who always was there for him. But he wasn't there for her.

"You're a twin?!" He flinched. "Besides that, I'd risk anything for my family. I'd do anything to keep them safe, so I understand where your conflict lies. But I don't understand that would be so threatening you'd have to run...." She sat beside him at the counter. He lifted his gaze to meet her own after sighing.

"Can you keep a secret?" His voice suddenly firm.

"Always." She said, gentle for once.

"I'm different from most of my family." His wings extended from where they were previously hidden. Her eyes widen. "Someone wanted to use me and threatened them if I didn't comply. So I ran." He sighed as his wings engulfed his sides.

"Whoa....does anyone in your family know?" She reaches for one and he let's her feel it as he chuckled.

"Yeah, they do. All of us have something special about us, one way or another." He tried shrugging it off like no big deal.

"Does you sister have the same? I mean you did say you were twins." Curiosity overcoming her silence. He shook his head.

"No-" But was interrupted when they heard a crash outside.

Elora jumped to her feet and out the door. A branch had fallen from a nearby tree and curled up near it was a white kitten. It's hurt mew echoed towards Marth inside. A second later, he was crouched near it. He picked it up gently and held it close. She examined it as he petted the small thing.

"I think it's foot is broken." She said, holding it up for him to see. He nods.

"Looks like you're taking in two strays." He smiled at her, to which she rolls her eyes.

"Come on then. I can tend to it while you try on your new clothes." He placed the blue eyed kitten on the counter as she shut the door. "There's a bedroom upstairs on the right you can use."

He grabbed the bag of clothes and hopped upstairs, careful of the cream colored walls. He stretched out the cramped feeling in his limbs as he threw off his shirt in the room. He tossed it onto the side of the bed. After donning the new garments, he crashed onto the comforter, melting into the feeling. It had been forever since he had laid on something so comfy.

He sighed, feeling all the exhaustion and stress of the past four years seep off of him. Faces of his family flashed before him. He shivered as he remembered Dream's mask. He sat up abruptly, making Elora jump as she walked in.

"Are you okay?" She asks. The kitten mewed from her arms. His eyes flash excitedly.

"Yeah. But I think it's time I pay my home a little visit." His brain already calculating the travel time.

"So my little talk worked?" She smirked as she placed her new pet on his lap. He laughed as he patted the tiny cat.

"Sure. But I also want to see if I can find anything about DreamXD. Maybe I can help you out since you helped me." The two shared a smile.

"Alright, but only if you take us with you." She motioned towards her and the cat. He laughed.

"It might take a little more work, but sure!" The kitten squeaked as he hopped up again. "We need food, a good carring case for the cat, maybe some blankets."

"Maybe you should rest a little bit. You did just have a fever this morning." He sighs and nods.

"Alright, but we start packing tomorrow." She laughed as he sat back down.

"Sleep well." She said, taking the kitten with her out the door. He smiled as it shut, thinking of all the things he could show her when they got there.

"Home." He breathed out before slipping into sleep.

A/n: I finished the next chapter! Somehow. Wow. Thanks, Emp, for the dialog help! Stay healthy, everyone! Love you all. ♡

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