Chapter 5

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(Marth's POV)
After a fun evening a laughter and memories, the four young adults got ready to turn in. Ranboo had made Melissa head upstairs before him. He turned to his guests now as his wife left.

"I'll see you guys in the morning." He smiled and waved as he followed his spouse. Elora turned to Marth as they were left in the shadowed room.

"Your sister says there's only one bed in the guest room, so it looks like we're sharing." He blushed at her words, hoping she didn't notice.

"Makes sense since most of our family lives at the castle. They wouldn't have many visitors. I can sleep here though if you want." He motioned to the couch they sat on. She quickly shook her head.

"No, it's your home, you haven't been here in four years, and your a prince about to be welcomed back by the entire kingdom. Assuming that's how royal customs work. I think you'd want a little rest before hearing what sounds like to be thousands welcoming you home." She scolded. He paled at the thought of all the people. (Social anxiety amiright?)

"Okay..." He said quietly.

"We'll, I don't know about you," She yawned, "but I'm turning in." He nods as she gets up from the couch.

"I'll be in there later." He calls quietly after her. He had somethings he wanted to do first.

He quietly scanned over the books on Melissa's shelf to see if there were anything about the southern kingdom or celestial beings, since apparently DreamXD is immortal. But there was nothing there. Then an image flashed in his head of the royal library. He smiled as the thought.

Taking care not to make noise, he snuck out the door. Despite his wings being tired from flying most of the day, he soared up once more, homeward bound.

As he landed on the balcony, he peered through the glass doors. One creaked slightly as he opened it. He looked around and sighed as memories flooded his mind, despite the length of cloth over everything to prevent dust. He carefully opened the door and peered into the wing of the castle. His feet made barely a sound on the red carpeting. He was careful to be light on his feet as he exited the area to enter the library.

He paused at the entrance, remembering all the times he had seen his dad here, studying at ungodly hours. He peeked in cautiously, and was grateful there was no sign of Techno. Finding a row of books on immortals, he began to read.

(Fundy's POV)
What was that? He tilted his head trying to hear better. Reading late into the night was probably not the best idea. Then he heard it again. Careful steps. He blew out his candle quickly. The noise went away. Someone's in the castle. He decided.

He peered out of his door and saw a shadow down the hall. It was heading away from the library, he noted. He, trying to be quiet as possible, followed the intruder.

He's heading to Aunt's wing of the castle! He realized, almost letting out a gasp. He ran on silent feet to the area. Sure enough, the shadow slipped into Marth's old room. Fundy followed as soon as the door shut. He hopped up the stairs and opened the door to find....footprints?

He stared in disbelief at what remained of the shadow. On the dust of the dark wood flooring was a trail of prints leading to and from the balcony. He rushed over to the railing and glanced around.

Maybe he's after Melissa! He jumped to conclusions in his tired state. He ran out the door again, down the hall, and out of the castle. The wind tugged at his spice colored hair as he dashed to his cousins house. A shadow was slowly walking down the path.

"Gotcha!" The eighteen year old shouted as he tackled the intruder. "Don't hurt my family!"

"Ah! What the? Fundy?" The man stared down at him. The ginger couldn't believe his eyes. "It's me! Marth!" The younger male stumbled backwards on the path.

"H-wha-when!" Shock settled into him.

"I got back a few hours ago." He tried calming the young man. "Melissa's housing me for now. I needed information so I went to the castle."

Suddenly, the door creaked and a woman appeared at the door. Fundy jumped back as he saw her in her flowing white gown.

"I heard some rough housing and yelling. What's going on?" She asked yawning.

"Who's that?" He stared into her mesmerizing purple eyes.

"My...friend. She came with me." He blushed thinking of what to call her. He held in the face palm though.

"Who are you?" She asked with a sassy tone. Marth sighed as he looked between the two.

"This is my little cousin, Fundy. Don't worry about him." He said, trying to keep them from fighting.

"Sorry about tackling you." Fundy apologized. "I bet you can understand my concerns, and I hardly recognized you." Marth nods quickly.

"Now you better go home before Wilbur sends a whole regiment of guards after you." The young male nods and runs off after a quick wave behind him.

(Marth's POV)
He silently followed Elora inside. He couldn't stop his eyes from taking in her figure as she led him up the stairs. Her dark hair greatly contrasted her night gown. She flashed a smile back at him as she opened the guest room door.

"You better get changed quickly. You look exhausted." He nods and digs through his bag. He returned soon to find her already in bed. Her eyes glanced over him, making him blush in his thin shirt. She patted the bed next to her as he approached.

Trying to control his features, he climbed in next to her. His body relaxed though the moment his head touched the pillow. He heard her chuckle slightly.

"You looked just like you did when I found you." He smiled, remembering how he collapsed on her couch.

"Yeah, I was pretty tired then too." He yawned. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his face he looked over at her. The moonlight highlighted her face. He opened his mouth to ask what she wanted, but her finger stopped him. He smiled as pulled her a little closer as she smiled up at him.

"Let's keep this between us." She whispers. He nods as his eyes close slowly. "Goodnight."


A/n: Next chapter is going to be interesting but for right now we have fluff in the night. Hope y'all enjoyed. Have a great day/night! Drink plenty of water! ♡

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