Chapter 15

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TW: Kidnapping, blood, and insomnia, if you count that. Also, mention of knives....
(Marth's POV)
The concrete chilled him as he lay on the balcony, staring into the dark sky. The moon had yet to make an appearance and he couldn't sleep.

Well, he could. He just was afraid to. Memories of waking up, blind and alone, made him shiver. He was beyond grateful he still had one eye. But the chance that he might not wake up, or wake up blind again, put him where he was.

His limbs were tired after doing a lot with his dad. The two had been working on how he could shift his routine and skills to fit his new incapablility. His aim was off with his weapons. His balance seemed off. It was even hard to eat.

A lone tear slipped from his eye. Why him? What did he do to deserve this?

He blinked tiredly. But flashes of that dream made him keep them open.

"You really are pathetic." No. Not that voice. He sat up quickly to see a short figure leaning on his bed post. That vibrant green hoodie was too obvious along with that long blonde hair. "Can't even sleep." She grinned under her mask. He backed up against the balcony railing, his limbs crying out in protest.

"What do you want, Drista?" He spat out the name. However when he tried to stand, she pushed him back down.

"I want my brother back." He glared at her, hating the fact that he was weak. "And you're gonna do it."

"I don't have to do anything for you." He tried pushing her foot off, but she grabbed his arm and twisted it. He hissed in pain

"Then let's see if my cousin can convince you." The sinister tone made him shiver.

Before he could react further, the room disappeared. He crashed heavily to the floor as the floor changed into a faint gold tile. He rose to his knees shakily and glanced around. Fear sunk into his chest as he recognized the design of the place. It was identical to that palace in his dream.

Sure enough, a golden throne stood before him and on it was DreamXD. His golden jewelry clanked together as he chuckled.

"I'm back." Drista said from behind the boy on the floor. She kicked him in the side, meriting a groan. "How can we get him to work with us?"

"Hm. Good question." The god answered slowly. "We've tried threats before. Maybe we should carry through with some." Marth's heart sunk, remembering all the times he had been threatened.

"Like what?" Her excitement made him sick.

He looked around, hoping he could find an escape. But nothing stood out. He glanced back at the celestial being and blinked a few times. He could see two things.... One eye saw like normal, but his other could see a golden orb shaped image in the middle of DreamXD's chest.

"I'm pretty sure I threatened to break all the bones in his body at one point. Or feed him poison until he almost died. Or to drown him until he couldn't breathe. Or crush him with rocks. Or stab him with knives." The poor boy paled at as he went on. "Pretty much anything I could think of." He elaborated.

"Ooooo." The girl rubbed her hands together. "Where should we start?" She eyed the boy excitedly.

The god tilted his head slightly, observing the two, with a finger on his chin. Marth was unsure what was going through his mind, but he feared it. His only consolation was that they wanted him alive. But they could literally push him to almost dead since DreamXD could just heal him.

"I think first, you should put him in isolation. Then we can decide in private how to go about this." Her grin fell slightly. "And make sure it's completely sound proof so all he can hear is his own heart."

Deciding not to argue, Drista grabbed the boy from the back of his shirt and dragged him away. But he noticed as he was being tugged that DreamXD's soul seemed to fade a little. He could only wonder why.

(Elora's POV)
The morning sun was beautiful. Her heart soared happily as she stood in her room, quietly watching the vibrant colors paint the world as she braided her hair. The usually white marble floor had a pink tint to it now along with the white bed curtains.

A little tune escaped the girl in a hum as she stepped out of her room. Her blue dress spun slightly as she walked down and around the stairs.

Melissa was coming today to hangout with her brother. She had received the news of his partial blindness as a shock. She had resolved to spend the day looking after her twin in hopes of making him feel better. And Ranboo had offered to come to hangout with Elora. The two, rather distant, relatives could get to know each other better this way. But first, she had to get Marth out of bed.

Her quick steps soon led her to his door. She opened it silently, once again revealing the morning hues. But her heart almost failed her as she looked in. The bed was completely untouched and the balcony window doors were open.

"Marth?" She asked the air as she stepped in slowly. "Maybe he just got hungry or something...." She muttered quietly.

Off she ran, hoping to catch some sight of the boy who made her blush. But she saw nothing but a few yawning staff members of the castle. The kitchen was empty as well as the library. Before she knew it, she had been practically everywhere. And worry was eating away at her thoughts.

"The garden!" She cried with sudden inspiration. Her feet quickly took her there. But sadly, there was no sign of the winged boy there either. "Where could he be?" She asked, glancing at the sky.

The sunrise had faded, just like her hope. And the sky started to cover with clouds. A bad omen in her mind as she turned back to the castle.

A/n: WE GOT MORE PLOT. Somehow. Anyways, thanks for all the reads and don't forget to comment if you have stuff to say. Love you all! ♡ And have a great day/night.

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