Chapter 4

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(3rd Person POV)
Melissa opens the door and the stare at each other, stunned by change. He noticed her shortened hair, slightly larger figure, and soft, warm eyes. She took in his new height and skinny figure.

Suddenly, she burst into tears and jumped to hug him in a tight hug. The longingness for her brother, always in the back of her mind, finally felt fulfilled in that embrace.

Marth hugged her back, feeling Melissa's love and happiness resonate off of her. He was so happy to see her he forgot Elora's presence and his sister didn't notice the girl either, who just watched with a smile.

"Happy to see me?" He mumbled into her shoulder.

"I meant it when I said I would never doubt you, Marth. That's true to today." She sobbed into him. Composing herself after a little bit, she invited them in, taking a closer look at how Marth grabbed Elora's hand. They stood in the hall still taking in each other's presences.

"Where's our other twin?" Asked Marth, remembering Ranboo's joke years ago. Melissa sucked her teeth in thought.

"I think he's either at the castle or around town, shopping." She said as she slouched and felt her stomach.

"Why aren't you with him? I know your specific about your groceries." He perked a brow.

"I gave him a list, and it's not like I'm able to lift much right now." Nervousness welled up in her, as his face contorted in confusion, remembering how fit she used to be. "You did miss some things when you left. I'm gonna tell you something, and you have to promise not to freak out. Deal?" She looked him dead in the eyes while he silently agreed.

"I'm pregnant!" She practically squealed. His jaw dropped and Elora laughed as his reaction.

"That's amazing!" He cried, eyes bright with joy and excitement. "What're gonna name the baby?" She sighed.

"Don't even get me started. The entire family is debating about this right now, and I do not need to think of all the weird names they came up with. Dad wants Theseus, Grandma wants Andrew or Asher, Tommy wants Little Man Tom, Wilbur and Sally are really pushing for Artemis, and Grandpa is suggesting Philip. It's a lot." Marth broke into laughter at all the suggestions. She rolls her eyes with a smile

"Shouldn't it be you and Ranboo who decides?" He said between gasps for air.

"I mean, yes. But we wanted suggestions." She said. Just then the door opened again, revealing the missing Ranboo.

"Hey, Rosebud....oh." He blinked at the visitors. Then hugged the boy quickly. "Marth! It's so good to see you!"

"Hey, Ranboo." The two started talking excitedly as the women kind of stared each other down.

"Do you need anything, perhaps?" He asked as they settled down. Marth pondered for a second.

"Yeah, I'm looking for information, but that can come later. I kind of need some more clothes." He blushed embarrassed as the enderman laughed.

"Alright. We should go shopping now while people are at their homes or shops. People seeing you before everyone else would cause chaos." The other male nodded in agreement. He stretched as Ranboo turned to his wife. "We'll be back in an hour for dinner."

"Alright, Boo. Take care of him." She whispered the last part as he leaned down. He smiled as she pecked his lips lightly.

"We'll be back soon!" He called as the two slipped away into the evening.

Melissa shut the door quietly, leaving the two girls alone. Red eyes met purple ones as the two had another showdown of stares.

"Name?" The pinkette finally asked, their eyes not averting.

"Elora." She leaned slightly against the wall as the staring went on.

"How many partners have you had prior? Go on, I won't judge." Melissa questioned further.

"Two." She replied nonchalantly. "Both engagements that didn't work out."

"Criminal record?" The red eyes flashed a little harsher.

"Stealing." The purple ones steeled up slightly.

"For?" Intensity increased even more than before.

"A starving woman and her two kids." She responded rudely, thinking Melissa had assumed the worst. There was a lull for a moment before the pinkette spoke up again.

"How did you meet him? My brother?" She asked a little quieter.

"I found him sleeping in the rain with a fever." Her expression didn't shift, but inside she felt a twinge remembering his sorry state. Melissa's face scrunched in confusion slightly, trying to work out what she said.

"How much do you care for him? On a scale of 1-20." She insisted further.

"16." Her answer was a little quiet.

"Would you consider yourself honest?" Her eyes trying to pierce through Elora's soul.

"Mostly." She replied, picking her nail subconsciously. "I'd say I'm being genuine right now." The piercing red gaze finally let up a little as Melissa chuckled. Elora smiled as well.

"I like you. You're fun." She said as the two entered the kitchen, finally on good terms.

"Was that a test?" Asked the girl as she arranged her dress to be more comfortable.

"Partially." Melissa smirked. She paused though as she got out some ingredients for dinner. "Also, I only have one guest room at the moment....and it only has one large bed." Elora's eyes widened slightly. "Is it okay if you and Marth share?" She processed the information. It was slightly a truce, since her statement showed she trusted Elora with her brother.

"It should be alright." She finally replied. The other smiled as she put some water on the stove to heat. "Do you know when they'll get back?" She asked moving to help the other woman begin the meal.

"Please, men always need to have a full stomach. They'll be back soon." The two laughed.

~(Timeskip an hour)~

"We're back!" Ranboo called out as he opened the door. The girls were giggling about an old story as the two boys stepped in.

"Hey, love!" Melissa said as she walked out of the kitchen. "Dinner's almost ready." He perked up. Marth laughed at his expression.

"I'll go put these upstairs." He told his sister, gesturing to the box in his hands. She nods as her husband walks past her into the kitchen.

"You must be Elora." He said as he spotted the dark haired girl. Her eyes flashed over to him. "I'm Ranboo."

"Nice to meet you!" She said, smiling at him. He studied her for a second.

"Does any of your family happen to be from the Brocuria Kingdom per chance?" He asked. Her jaw dropped in shock.

"How did you know?" She blinked in surprise.

"You carry some of looks of our people. I'm also from there." She smiled at him again.

"Come on, you two. The potato soup isn't getting any warmer over here." Melissa said from the hall. The three chuckled and went to enjoy their meal. Marth smiled from the stairs, watching them chat and laugh together.

Just like a family.

A/n: Hi, everyone! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'm a single pringle this Valentines but I'm alright. I got my friends! Have a great day/night! ♡

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