Betty x Reggie

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Betty POV: 

"You're so godamn dramatic!" He yelled at me. 

"I'm fucking dramatic? You are the one that slept with another girl and manipulated me into staying with you! You fed off of my insecurity!" I yelled back crying my eyes out. 

You see, I had been with Sweet Pea for a year when things started to change. I noticed all the things that he did secretly which triggered an insecurity. He texted other 'female friends' after sex. He only liked girls pictures if they were half naked. He had a secret account to follow all these porn models on instagram, and he would send them to his best friend commenting on how hot they were, and he wished he could have one of them. I found out and became so insecure, but he made all these promises that he would change and stop doing it. Boy, I was dumb to believe it. He kept doing it, began hiding his phone and saying he has never been comfortable with me on his phone. He changed passwords. He stopped saving pictures of me. He began walking in front of me like he had authority over me. In general he stopped doing everything a boyfriend should do. When I confronted him, he made me feel crazy for thinking it, and saying it was all in my head. But when my best friend and I caught him red handed, suddenly he admitted to breaking all the promises and his excuse this time was 'I promise i'm trying, i just have to break the habit.' At this point, he had hurt me too much, I was too far gone. 

Then he began using me, abusing me emotionally and feeding off of me feeling bad. He let his friends disrespect me and laughed, he would do something with someone else after saying he didn't want to do it with me. And one night, I had really just had enough. I called him whilst half blacked out because of all the stuff he was putting me through. I had a whole speech about   how we should no longer be together, and suddenly he was the perfect boyfriend again, ignoring everything that I had said about breaking up, as if I never said it. And now, here we are the day after and fighting again, because he decided to turn his location off, clear chats and do the same thing as the previous day, so I called. 

"Go to sleep," He groaned down the phone "I don't want to hear your voice." 

It was 1:30 in the morning and I had been waiting up for him, and he just hung up on me after hearing me cry my eyes out.  

Funny thing is in that moment, my ex texted me . My ex and I never ended on bad terms, we just decided it wasn't the right time for us to be together. He noted immediately that something was wrong. And instead of texting, or leaving me to call my half-assed boyfriend, he called me. 

"Hey Betts," He said with that soft tone that always calmed me. 

"Hi Reg," I sighed down the phone. 

"Do you wanna cry it out?" He asked, and then just listened to be ball my eyes out for as long as I needed, telling me it would be okay and he was always there for me, not expecting anything in return. 

"Betts tell me whats going on. I'm here for you." He said to me once I had calmed down. "He's hurting me Reg, he's not good to me. I can't escape him. He won't let me break up with him, the minute I pull away and say i want to break up, he acts like a boyfriend again and ignores that I ever said anything." I sobbed out.

"Oh Betts, what does he do to you?" He asked, and so I went and told him everything. "You know what you are gonna do, you are going to do everything he does to you and do it back to him, if he won't let you leave the relationship, you are going to make it hell. You have been trying to bring it back to a relationship for far too long, you don't deserve this." He said. 

I giggled, "Does that really sound like me Reg?" I asked with a whisper. He chuckled and said "No, can't imagine you doing it. But it's the best thing you can do without torturing yourself anymore." 

And then we spoke, for 2 hours, we just spoke about life and the past and the future. 

"Betts, you deserve way better than I ever was to you, or that he is to you, You are the Purest, the nicest and sweetest girl on this planet. You are beautiful so don't let him convince you otherwise. I wish I treated you better so you knew your worth." He said with a voice of disappointment. And in that moment I just had an urge to tell him that I loved him, but i didn't say it. 

"Now get some sleep. I'll stay on until I know you are asleep." He said, knowing i'm shit at sleeping. 

"Okay. Thank you Reg." I whispered. Falling asleep almost instantly, I had never felt so calm and at peace. He took care of me. And sure enough when I woke up in the morning, he had fallen asleep on call. 

"Betty! Where the f*ck are you?" I heard almost instantly. I froze, and heard Reggie wake up. I immediately hung up the phone. Then someone barged into my room. 

"You can't fucking reply to a single message? I'd been asking after you all night. I was worried about you. I thought you got injured or something. I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Sweet Pea. This is what I meant, he wasn't always a boyfriend, but only when he thought he lost me. He got into bed beside me and cuddled into me. I was frozen. 

"Don't scare me like that." He said nuzzling into my neck, then his phone went off. He picked it up and the name "bebita" Popped up. Interesting. He flashed me a smile and then said 'Sorry Babe I gotta take this.' 

"It's alright, I got someone coming over anyway." I smiled at him. And his face dropped. "Who? looking like that you don't," He said with dominance. I began recording on my phone for Reg. "Eh the person doesn't really care what I look like. Plus its non of your business." I winked at him. He hung up the phone and came over leaning over me. "You're mine." He seethed. 

And just at the moment, the door opened. Hmm, he actually came without me asking him to. He ran upstairs and into my room. 

"Get away from her." Reggie said standing up strong. Sweet Pea looked confused. "So you've been shagging it up with your ex." He said looking between Reggie and I.

"Actually not spoken until early this morning." Reggie replied with a smirk. "All I know is you don't deserve her, as does the whole town as of," He continued and then his phone binged. "Right now." He smiled. Suddenly, Sweets and I's phone went off too. Reggie had gotten it published on the Riverdale newsfeed. 

The golden girl abused by scum 

Suddenly Sweet Pea stressed and was on his knees begging for my forgiveness, but I was no fool. He knew he now had no where to go as the serpents would never let him back in for disrespecting the serpent princess, his friends would be kicked out too. 

I scoffed, I had my power back and my energy. I was no longer going to give in to his petty wishes, but I was never going to stoop to his level. 

"Get up Pea and leave my house." I said looking at him with a look of disgust. God this man would do anything for sex. I looked over to Reggie and smiled with a nod, he opened his arms just as Pea was leaving. Once I heard the door close and Pea's engine go, I ran into Reggies arms and hugged him. crying. 

"Thank you," I whispered and he kissed my forehead. "Any time my love," Reggie whispered. 

From that day on, I heard no word from Pea or his friends although he was still in Riverdale, nobody wanted anything to do with them. Reggie and I rekindled our previous relationship into one that everyone wanted to have, and one that I never doubted. We went out on weekly dates, he communicated everything with me, his phone was open to me but I never felt the need to go on it unless he asked me to. I was doing better mentally, I had rebuilt all my previously dwindled friendships and my Mum and I began talking again. I had found a balance which made life feel ten times easier. 

Sorry for the short one. Hope you enjoyed. It is inspired by something of a reality. 




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