chapter eight || 08

Start from the beginning

He walks over to me and sits on the one next to me. "That hasn't exactly stopped. I'm protecting you both for a reason which I can't say yet but I just thought to let you know so you don't think I'm stalking you."

I scoff, "Why can't you tell me?" I gasp dramatically, "Is it one of those undercover agent shit? Damn, are we lucky." I say and place a hand over my heart.

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Look, it's private information but all I can say is that I was assigned by Mr. Russo to do this. You might know him. You know, considering he's your boss and everything." He shrugs.

My eyes widen and I look straight up at him. "Mr. Russo? That guy?" I shake my head in disbelief, "He doesn't even like me so I find that hard to believe."

"You may not believe me, but all I've said is the truth." He replies.

I open my mouth about to speak when I hear the front door unlock.

Rayne comes in and throws her jacket on the couch. "For fuck's sake Nai, you never told me Rhys was a pain in the ass." She mumbles as she takes her shoes off.

"I swear to god it took me like, an hour to put him to sleep. It's like he inhaled caffeine for kids! Imagine that actually becomes a real thing. That would be a horrific fuckin' nightmare I mean, little kids on caffeine running around like they're high or some shit? No thank you. I would literally kill myself if that was an everyday thing." She rants on and walks to the kitchen completely missing the fact that Camilo is sitting right there.

I stay silent waiting for her to have her moment of realisation. Don't mind her folks, she's a bit slow sometimes.

She reaches for the fruit basket and takes a strawberry.

She begins eating it and looks at us. "Oh hey Camilo." She says, stuffing the strawberry in her mouth.

It's coming guys, just wait for it.

I fold my arms in front of me and stare at her.

Rayne looks back at me and smiles, then she take a proper look at Camilo.

Her eyes widen and she practically chokes on her strawberry. "Holy shit bro where did you come from?!" She exclaims then goes into a coughing fit, clutching her chest.

Camilo quickly gets up and stands behind her wrapping his arms around her waist and creates tension in her stomach by pressing on it a couple times with his arms.

She finally stops and breathes heavily. "Damn, my hero. Could've died."

He shakes his head and grins. "My pleasure, miss."

I turn back to him. "So let me get this straight, you're just going to be following us then? Like a personal bodyguard type of thing?" I ask.

"Yeah, kinda. I'll be escorting you to your university and that stuff. The only time I won't be there is when you go to the bathroom or when you're safe at home." He says.

Rayne looks at both us in utter confusion. "What the fuck are you two on about? How much have I missed?" She leans on the counter with her elbows flat on the surface, opposite us.

I simply explain it to her. "He's our personal bodyguard."

"Oh damn! Like the undercover agent shit? That's so cool dude." She says, obviously impressed.

I smile.

Great minds think alike.

Camilo looks between both us. "It's scary how similar you guys are." He stands up, "I'm not gonna bother you too much today so enjoy your night ladies, I'll see you tomorrow so I'll pick you up after you're finished with uni." He walks towards the door.

I go with him so I can unlock it. "Goodbye, bodyguard." I salute at him.

He gives me a bow. "Goodbye, mistresses."

Rayne looks at the door. "He's a weirdo, isn't he?" She walks over to the living room and plops on the couch.

I laugh and sit beside her, adjusting my position so that my head rests on her lap and she puts on a random movie. "I guess he's a weird one."

I still want to find out why he needs to protect us though.

The fact that my days are gonna be so crammed annoys the hell out of me. First university, then work. Luckily I've only got to take care of Rhys on Tuesdays every other week because that's when his mother comes late from work so that's not too bad.

I should really stop avoiding the choice I have to make about Mr. Russo's proposal.

What Ethan did to me really encouraged me to make that decision.

I suddenly felt a kick in confidence and grabbed my phone, to ring the number that I found in my contacts.

He picks up after the second ring.

"Hello? ... Yes. I want to go through with your proposal, sir."



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Kind of short but I didn't want to make it too long.

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Until I write again,


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