The boy let out a laugh and I looked at him.

"If you're worried im going to try hitting on you then you're worrying over nothing. I bat for the other team darling" he said and now I was taken aback. I wouldn't have ever guessed from looking at him. In fact I would have gone as far to put him in the category of 'players.' I should know better than to judge people but it's just second nature isn't it we all do it some just not as obviously as others sometimes we judge them and put them in good categories but it's still judging someone.

"Cool so do you always work here?" I asked him feeling much more comfortable.

"No I just help my dad out sometimes, most times I help my mum" he said, I turned to him

"What does your mum do? If that's not rude?" I asked him.

"Not at all, she actually erm.. Well she palm reads" he said looking embarrassed. There is nothing to be embarrassed about though I've always thought that it was cool even if people told me there was nothing behind it and it was made up.

"That's cool, so you do it too?" I asked him and he nodded

"Yeah I've learnt on the job I guess"

"Can you erm... Read mine?" I asked him

"Of course, put your palm out" he said and I did as I was told. He took my hand in his and ran his fingers over it, running over the lines traced into it.

"I'm Jack by the way" he said and I just nodded I hadn't even realised we hadn't exchanged names

"Paige" I returned his words.

"This line here it's called the heart line, yours tells me that you fall in love easily." he pointed to the line that starts in the middle of my index and middle finger.

"This line here in the middle is called the head line. Yours is almost a straight line which means you think realistically" he said looking at me to see my reaction which I didn't give. I was to intrigued to give one

"And that line?" I asked his pointing to the one that semi circled my thumb

"This is called yours is short and shallow which means you are easily manipulated by others and it also does a semi-circle around your thumb which means you have strength and enthusiasm." he smiled "some people have a fourth line but you don't" he said

"You're palm shape represents fire, it's rectangular and you have flushed skin , the length of your palm is greater than the length of your fingers. This represents spontaneousness , enthusiasm and optimism. You are sometimes egoistic, impulsive and insensitive. You do things boldly and instinctively." he said and then let go of my hand and I let it fall beside me.

[A/N I actually researched this i didn't make it up]

"Thank you" I smiled at him

"Ah no worries" he said "anyway I should get going they'll probably be wondering where I am" he stood up

"Thank you for the water" I held up the bottle "and the palm reading" I laughed

"You're welcome Paige, see you"

"Bye Jack" I waved at him as he walked off.

I decided that now was a good time to head back, maybe that was what I needed. A conversation with someone that I wasn't constantly around, a change in voice and conversation.

I pushed open the door to the studio noticing straight away that no music was playing which it should be, I raised an eyebrow and looked around it was suspiciously quiet.

Just another day (one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now