Chapter 34: Marking Property

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{Ranboos POV}

It was now Monday, which means we have to go back to the hell hole, also known as our university. Me and Tubbo already cleared up the small misunderstanding we had created regarding the Azy problem. And we also agreed to not hide our relationship, and just show everyone that were together. But I feel like he didn't trust me too much, so he left bite marks and hickeys in my neck all the way to my shoulders and back. I didn't mind him doing that, but I wanted to that to him too but he didn't let me. Sometimes I wonder who really is the dominant one in this relationship... it's gotta be Tubbo right?

We were now walking through the halls to go to our class, and we got a lot of stares from people. There were either staring at me cause of the marks on my neck or me holding hands with Tubbo. Either way, we got a lot of weird stares from people, but Tubbo didn't seem to mind it so I guess it's fine. As we were walking through people whispering and looking at us, we finally arrived to class. And all the attention was once again turned to us. The people there was about to start cheering before they stopped since they saw the marks in my neck. Everyone went silent, some gasping and whispering, but Tubbo decided to speak up- no, more like shout up.

"Listen everybody! This is my man, so if you steal him away from me, you're dead"

He said the last part in a low voice, but still audible for everyone to hear. He really went from happy to deadly in a matter of seconds. Everyone was clearly scared, some trembling, and the blonde girls from before were just trying to avoid our gaze. As soon as people's attention weren't into us, we went to the very back and sat down. The two of us just chatted about stuff, and me trying to tell him that I'll stream sooner or later, which he supported and agreed too. As we just continued talking about some random stuff, someone interrupted us.

"So then Tommy, being bitch, did-"

Me and Tubbo collectively looked at the person who said Tubbo's named. Oh, it was that guy who sat beside my Bee a few days ago. He smiled as he looked at Tubbo, and he soon looked at me and his facial expression did a 360, and immediately turned into a glare, and I glared back at him. He stared at the marks that were in my neck and scowled, probably knowing whom it was from, and I smirked at him. As we were just glaring each other for a while, Tubbo cleared his throat which gained the attention of both of us.

"You two good?"
"Yeah, I'm good Toby"
"By the way, can I take the seat next to you Toby?"
"Oh yeah sure, of course"

I wanted to speak up about this but he already sat beside Tubbo, placing his hand in his face, looking lovingly at Tubbo. I wasn't oblivious, but Tubbo was, so I could very much tell that he likes my Bee, and I am not backing down at him just because he likes him. As they were talking to each other, leaving me out of the conversation, the guy suddenly made a move on Tubbo by placing his arm around his shoulder, and that made my blood boil.

But great thing that Tubbo was uncomfortable, since he gently took his arm off of him and continued blabbing about whatever they were talking about. I was happy that he stood up for himself by removing his arm, but I would be lying if I said that I wasn't jealous because of that guy taking all of my Bees attention. After a while of them just talking and me being salty, the professor finally came in and that broke their conversation.

Lunch. It used to be one of my favorite times of school since I get to be with my Tubbo. But no, the guy who was with us earlier decided to join us, and I didn't like that in the slightest. He was acting all lovey dovey with my Boo, and even if I have the urge to punch him, I had to stop myself. Since if I cause a ruckus, Tubbo will be mad at me, and call me out for being overdramatic cause I see friendship as a sign of love or something. I knew deep inside that Tubbo would actually never do that, but imagining the possibilities kinda hurt.

"Hey guys, Imma go buy some more food"
"Alright Toby~"

He then left, and the guy immediately stared at me with a mix of disgust and disappointment in his expression, and also with a slice of a glare. And so I glared back at him, and he soon spoke up to break the tension between us.

"So you're dating Toby huh?"
"Was that not obvious enough?"
"Tch, why would he even date you? You're not even handsome nor interesting, you're just tall"
"It's his taste, you can't blame him"
"Or maybe he just pitied the poor American boy"
"Excuse me?"
"What? Is the American boy angry?"

I stayed in silence, wondering how I should respond to him. Since right now, I could settle for fists rather than words. My thoughts were interrupted by him speaking up to me again.

"What? American boy gone silent?"
"Shut up"
"Oh he really angry now, how scary"
"You're such a pain"
"Hey, watch what you say dickhead"
"Same to you too, playboy"
"It's Aaron, and I'm not a playboy asshole"
"It's Ranboo, and you are"
"Hah! What a weird ass name, such a shame that someone as perfect as Toby would date a waste like you"
"At least I truly love him, unlike you"
"Who said I wasn't serious about him?"
"I know you aren-"

We both stopped to look at the familiar voice who spoke up, also known as Tubbo. We both cleared our throats and looked away from the now awkward situation that we made.

"What were you two doing before?"
"Oh it's nothing Toby, we were just introducing ourselves, isn't that right?"
"Yeah... We just got to know each other I guess"
"Oh, that's good to hear then, it's nice to see my boyfriend and new friend get along"

I felt proud and smirked when Tubbo called me his boyfriend in front of him. And seeing the dumbfounded and hurt look from that Aaron guy was priceless. He just laughed it off and tried to change the topic by talking about Tubbos food or something. The entire school day finally ended and we had to head home, but Aaron wanted to hand out with Tubbo more, so he offered him to go karaoke. Tubbo agreed but wanted me to come along as well. Aaron having no choice, he agreed to it and we went to a karaoke place.

I would be lying if I said that Tubbo didn't have an amazing voice when it comes to singing. And I would also be lying if I said that Tubbo doesn't get easily drunk. As he kept drinking, words slurring, I had to stop him before he throws up. And I also always had him in my arms as maybe Aaron would take advantage of him.

"BeEs aRe cccOooLll"
"Yeah they are"

Yep he was definitely drunk, I thought. And I saw in the corner of my eye Aaron staring at us with a hurt expression on his face. I didn't care what he felt, I just wanted to get out of there with Tubbo.

"I think were gonna get going now"
"Oh but wai-"
"Thanks for paying for us, but we'll go now"

We both left, leaving Aaron there and I carried Tubbo in my arms, bridal style, as he a little bit too tipsy to walk on his own. Thank god we drove here by my car. I settled him gently into the car and buckled him up as I got into the car as well. He was sleeping, or maybe just closing his eyes to sober up the entire ride. We then arrived home and I carried him to our bedroom. No one was home today, since apparently, Tubbos mother had a night shift, Teagan was staying at their grandmas again and Lani went to a sleepover with one of her friends. So meaning, it was just the two of us in the house right now.

I plopped Tubbo gently in the bed and he opened his eyes to look at me. I was changing my clothes til I felt a small tug in my pants. It was Tubbo, looking at me with a weary expression.

"Do you need something Bee?"
"Can we fuck?"

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