Chapter 32: Replacement?

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{Tubbos POV}

I was deeply hurt by Boo playing along with the crowds wishes. I mean, is it for reputation or something? At least brush it off in the end saying it's not a romantic thing or anything. Cause hello? I'm your boyfriend not that Azy guy, whom for sure isn't his real name, like, what kind of name is that? All he does is want attention, and Ranboo always attract a lot of people. Yes, Boo is hot, tall and kind, but like- back off people he's taken, jesus christ. But impressions of people really get to you, especially to people like Ranboo. I understand the state he was in before but, again, isn't this a little too much?

As we were now driving our way home, it was expectedly quiet. I mean, he knows he fucked up and I'm not about to go easy on him. Just because he made me gain a soft spot for him, that doesn't mean that I can't go hard on him. I've noticed he kept catching glances at me through the window, trying his best to talk to me. But I radiated so much 'don't talk to me' aura, that he couldn't even speak. After a while, he finally decided to speak up.

His apologies were sincere, but that doesn't mean I can forgive him that easily. I am willing, to show off our relationship to people, and he just brushed it off just like that? And even in front of like- all the first year students? Big mistake. I rejected his apologies and his chances of giving out his reason, or as what to call as excuses. Once again, silence loomed upon us until we arrived home. I tried mh absolute best to avoid him, he would try and give me a hug or a kiss but I would dodge all of them. He then gave up as we were now both laying in bed, back to back. Not daring to face each other, what a start to a first college year.

It was now the next day, and he was still consciously trying to talk to me, but I still avoided it. Lani and Teagan noticed our distance and quietness between us, but they chose not to speak of the topic. We now were headed to the university, still dead silent between us in the car ride. He would try to talk to me, but honestly, I just needed some space to myself right now, so that I can clear my thoughts. We then arrived to school, and I speedwalked to our class, leaving Ranboo still trying to park the car. I know this looked like it would hurt him, but imagine how I felt of what he did yesterday, hurts doesn't it?

I then arrived at class, familiar faces filled the room as fsint murmurs were heard. I saw the two blonde bitches who were hitting on Boo 2 days ago, flocked by some hetero fuck boys. The two girls glared at me as I walked past them to go find a seat in the back. One of the dudes who was surrounding the two girls noticed me walked by and did a double take on me. I was confused by soon brushed it off, thinking maybe he's not even important to think about. I then sat on the very back of the rows and just got into Twitter and started scrolling. The last tweet I did was like 3 days ago, it said,

"Going to a university, wish me luck. And I prob won't be streaming later on, hope you guys understand :)"

There were a lot of people who supported me on going to university, and also a lot disappointed that I won't be streaming for a while. As I was scrolling through more, I heard a thud in the seat next to me. I stopped looking and my phone and turned to face this person. Ohh, it was one of the guys who was flocking the 2 bitches earlier.

"Hey, is this seat taken?"
"Yeah, by you"

He then snickered and I rolled my eyes on him, taking back my attention to my phone. I could feel him staring at me, and that got me a bit annoyed. So I turned back to him, glaring.

"What do you mean what?"
"You're staring at me"
"So? You're pretty"
"Jesus christ"

People would be flattered by that comment, but honestly I was just annoyed. To be fair, he was kinda attractive, well for the hetero scale that is. I then asked him a question that came up to my mind.

"Are you gay?"
"Hmm, more like bisexual"
"Oh, reminds me someone I know"
"Hmm, is that so? Are you gay?"
"Oh cool, I kinda figured since yesterday"
"Yeah, you were the flexible guy with the pink sweater"
"Oh, damn"
"Yeah you were kinds obvious"
"Well I don't have any intention hiding it in the first place"
"Oh, I like those confident ones~"
"Pfft, okay I guess"

He seemed like a cool guy so I talked with him a bit. He told me his name and it was Aaron, cool name I guess. And I told him my name too, we chatted for a while til people started cheering at something from below. And we both looked down to see everyone cheering at Ranboo who just came in. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh, and Aaron noticed that.

"What's wrong?"

He then looked back down at Ranboo, and noticed that Ranboo was staring at me, but more specifically the two of us. I stared back down at him, and he gave me the look of a dog who lost his owner. He looked lonely and lost but I chose to ignore it. Aaron noticed the tension between us but chose to not bring it up, and just chose a different topic to start a conversation with me again, while ignoring the ruckus that was happening in the bottom.

{Ranboos POV}

Tubbo left me in the parking lot as I was trying to park it and lock it. I then tried to catch up to him, but he was no longer in the entrance. Sigh... he's probably already in class. As I entered the school, I was immediately greeted by Azy who was in the vending machine getting a drink. He noticed me and waved at me, handing me a drink in the process.

"Good morning Handsome Boo~"

I was uncomfortable with the nickname, as I only wanted Tubbo to call me that. I laughed nervously and scratched the back of my neck before speaking up to him.

"Uhm... Please don't call me that"
"Oh? Why not tho?"
"I don't really... Like people calling me that"
"Oh alright, hmm... How bout Ran!"
"Oh uh sure I guess...?"
"Yay! Ran! Just call me Azy by the way"
"Alright then, Azy"
"Hearing you call me that sounds so sexy~"
"Uhm uhh alright?-"
"My real name isn't Azy by the way"
"Yeah, I kinda figured"
"Oh okie, my real name is Adrian, but it sounds straight so I chose Azy instead"
"Oh wow, okay"

We continued to chat more, but then realized the time, so I excused myself from him. And he totally agreed, we were talking for too long and Bee might've been lonely now. I said goodbye to him and sprinted my way to class, getting a lot of 'don't run in the hallways' retortment on the way.

I now arrived at class, and everyone immediately greeted me by cheering. As people were surrounding me I searched for Tubbo in the room, scanning. And I found him, but... He was sitting down next to someone... Who was that? Why is he looking down at me in disgust? And why is Tubbo just looking away? I just stared at Tubbo, hoping he would look at me, and he did, but- he didn't have any emotion in his face... Did the mess up that badly?

As the two blonde girls were clinging into me, I was still thinking, am I being replaced now? If I could turn back time to fix things, will hings not happen like this anymore? God... I'm sorry Bee... You'll always be my number one I promise, and I'll never let anyone get in the way between us ever again. Opinions really do get to me sometimes... Jesus...

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