Chapter 19: Leaving

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{Ranboos POV}

"What the fuck was that!?"

Ah crap, I don't think I can get out of this situation-

"You're a Homo!? Disgusting! And how dare you kiss my son! You're so gross!"

My eyeborw twitched at his harsh comment, but held back the urge to retort to it. I stood up and nudge Tubbo a bit, enough for him to wake up.

"Don't touch my son you fucking fag!"

I've had enough and gave him a pissed off look and loomed over him {he's taller than him(〃'・ω・')}, and began to speak up in a monotone voice.

"Excuse me sir, but that's just disrespectful-"

{insert slapping noice}

I- he slapped me...

"How dare you talk back at me! You fucking fag!"

I looked behind me to see Tubbo, fiddling with his fingers and trembling.

"I-it's not what it looks like... I promise..."
"You shut up! I'll deal with you later!"

He just looked down in shame, and I looked back at the father, but I didnt say anything.

"You, leave this house"

Me and Tubbo collectively looked up to him, frightened and suprised.

"W-what, but father-"
"Shut up! I'll deal with you later!"

He flinched but looked down once again.

"Pack your things, and never come back, you fag"

I held back tears, but soon agreed with a nod. I looked back at Tubbo once more, and I see him also in the verge of tears, poor Bee. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you like I promised, I just gave him a reassuring smile, and went to pack up my things. I left some of my hoodies, cause I know that Tubbo wants them. After a while, I finished up and headed downstairs, Tubbo's father was downstairs as well, but no Tubbo. I grew concerned and worried, so I asked.

"Sir...? Where's Tubbo...?"
"That's not your fucking business fag! Now get the fuck out!"

He throwed me a bottle of wine he was holding, I dodged it, but the glass shattering sent shivers down my spine. I hurriedly went outside and called an uber to take me to the airport. I looked back at the house again, guilt and worrisome looming into me, and all I could mutter was.

"Please be safe Bee... Stay strong, I'll come back, I promise. And I'll get you out of this hell hole..."

{Tubbos POV}

Ahh... The familiar scent of metal, and the familiar feeling of the cold floor. The basement. My father trapped me here before, and he sent me back here again. This feels like I'm reliving the past, never thought I'd be back here now that I'm older. I look over my hands that were covered in blood, and the chains preventing me from moving them.

I didnt even say goodbye to Boo... I don't think I can even contact him for a while now. I fight the urge to cry. I should be used to this now, I shouldn't be crying cause of this. Tears flow through my face, I miss Boo already... I'm sorry Boo... Sigh, I'm gonna be here for a while.

{Ranboos POV}

I cried a lot in the uber, just the thought of me leaving Tubbo alone in that house with him, just frustrated me. And the fact that I couldn't talk back at him, since he might threaten Tubbo, and I don't know if it was the right decision or not...

I could tell that the driver was getting annoyed by my sniffling and out of breath cries, so I started shutting up. I opened my phone, and text Tubbo, I know that Tubbo might not reply nor see this, but I at least have to text him, so that I'll update him about stuff and how I'm doing.

After texting him, and getting no replies I sighed and look out the window. The familiar road that leads to the airport overwhelmed me. I'm leaving, even though it hasn't been 4 months, it feels wrong. I don't want to leave, but I have too, for Tubbos sake. Yeah, I'm doing this for Tubbo. I texted my mother saying I was coming back home, and she was stunned, she was asking why I would leave so early, but I just told her some excuse.

I finally arrived at the airport after a good 45 minute drive or so. I got out my luggages out of the back of the car and paid the driver. I sighed, and went inside. The familiar smell of the airport felt like I've never been here for years, guess times fly so fast when you're with the one you love. The familiar stares from people loomed over me, but chose to shrug it off as usual. Stares have become normal to me now.

I booked my flight that was taking off in like 2 hours or so. So I waited, scrolling through the pictures of me Tubbo I had on my phone. The memos that I would use to write of future dates with Tubbo. And the treasured memories that we shared throughout the 3 months that we spent together. It was beautiful, but now it feels... Empty.

I fight back the urge to cry since people might look at me more. After a while, my flight finally arrived and I began to walk to the station on where we hand them our bags. I looked out the window that was literally a glass wall, and saw my plane. I stared at it for a while, muttering somethings like,

"I promise to come back Bee, I'll protect you..."

I got a tap in the arm by a staff telling me to finally head down to the bus to get in the plane, and I did. I was now in my seat of the plane, I placed on some airpods and listened to the playlist that me and Tubbo made. I began to tear up as I looked at the city below, filled with such beautiful lights, that I wished for him to be safe. I drifted away to slumber, crying and sobbing while doing so.

"I'll come back... Bee..."

Kiss Through the Mask: Beeduo [REMASTERED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu