Chapter 11: Fighting and Finding Love

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{Ranboos POV}

I finally went up to the two who were sitting on the park bench, I stood in front of them, looming the both of them. They stopped talking to look at me, Tubbo was shocked to see me there, meanwhile the other dude was looking at me confused, then one of them proceeded to speak up.

"Uhm can I help you sir?"

It was the same guy who asked for Tubbos number who spoke up, I just glared daggers at him which I think scared him a bit, I was about to speak, until Tubbo spoke up as well.

"What do you want Boo"
"I'm here to pick you up, come with me"
"No, I'm in a date! Leave me alone!"

I looked genuinely shocked but I didn't snap, and just asked him politely to come with.

"Bee, I'm sorry for what I did before, let's talk it out"

I lent out a hand for him to reach, he hesitated but took my hand. I was about to walk out with him, but another hand stopped me, it was that guy.

"Hey man, I don't know what's going on between you two, but I'm kinda in a middle of a date right now"
"Oh well, I'll be taking him now"
"I don't think you will, buddy"

Me and Him shot deadly glares at each other, people around us began to stare, but I just ignored it and looked back at Tubbo, I smiled for his reassurance and went back to glaring at him.

"Listen man, I don't wanna pick a fight, I just want to send my Bee home."
"Well here's the thing bud, I'm not letting you"

He gripped harder onto my arm, and turned to looked at Tubbo, grinning.

"Hey Toby, why don't you pick which one you're gonna chose"
"H-huh? what?"

I could tell that Tubbo was getting pressured so I grabbed the hand on which that was gripping onto me.

"Hey pal, don't pressure him, you're being a total asshole" {I made Ranboo curse here, don't mind}
"Oh really? well then you wanna fight?"
"I'd gladly do so"

I was about to throw a punch, but Tubbos voice stopped me from doing so.

"Both of you! Stop it!"

Tears were flowing through his face, he glared at both of us, and decided to walk away, yelling,

"I'm not going with either of you two!"

The two of us just stood there dumbfounded, He clicked his tongue and glared at me again.

"I'm not letting you get away next time, dickhead"

He flipped me off and walked away, I let out a huff and chased after Tubbo. I was a few feet behind him, and we were talking to his house, he suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at me.

"Are you not gonna walk next to me?"
He said with a pout, how cute.

"I'll be right there sir"

I took a few large steps and was finally walking beside him. We didn't talk, but we would catch glances of each other, I didn't know if he was comfortable with me or not. After a while, we finally reached the house and immediately went to our shared bedroom. Tubbo sat on the bed while I sat on the floor.

"Got any explaining to do?"

Why do I feel like a student being scolded by their teacher, I thought.

"U-uhm well, you see-"
"Go on now"

I sighed and took a deep breath.

"I got jealous and that's why I snapped"

{Tubbos POV}

"I got jealous and that's why I snapped"

Wait- jealous? Why was he jealous? Oh my god, I feel my face go hot at my assumption for him possibly liking me back. I blushed at excitement as I probably know that he likes me. So I began to tease him.

"Why did you get jealous Boo?"

I see him flinch and turn red, aww he's so adorable, he kept opening and closing his mouth waiting for any words to spill out, I began to push it more.

"Why Boo?"

He looked up to me with pleading eyes, like he was begging me to stop teasing him, as if I already knew the answer to that. He looked back at the ground again and I sighed before saying,

"Because... I like you Bee..."

I grinned at his response, and decided to tease him some more.

"What? say that again? I couldn't hear what you were saying"

He then sighed and repeated what he said but louder.

"I like you Bee!"
"That's more like it"

I crouched down to his level and kissed him gently in the lips.

{Ranboos POV}

Sigh, I already knew I was gonna get rejected after I said it louder the 2nd time, but turns out I was wrong. I see him lean into my level and kissed me, I was shocked of course, but soon kissed back, we didn't pull away for a while as we were enjoying each others lips. Tubbo let out a moan as I try to insert my tongue, we pulled away because of the sudden noise, and we both blushed profusely, I never expected such a noise from Tubbo-

He looked at me covering his mouth and beat red, he looked down into my pants, and saw my ahem, he blushed a deeper shade of red as soon as he saw it. I just chuckled and patted his head, while going up to the bathroom.

"Don't worry, I won't let you do anything, I'll take care of it"

He looked at me like a lost puppy and just nodded.
After a few minutes of me taking care of it while thinking of Tubbo, I exited the bathroom and went back to Tubbo. He was laying in our shared bed and was scrolling through Twitter. I layed down beside him and he immediately gave me a hug, I hugged him back and patted his back.

"Oh I forgot"

Tubbo suddenly spoke up, I was curious to what he must've forgot and just looked at him.

"I like you too Boo"

I blushed and dug my face into his hair, he chuckled and ruffled my hair. I cried, I didn't know why, happiness? relief? I don't know. Tubbo must've noticed that his hair was wet, so he removed his head from my face and looked up to me, with concern in his face.

"Hey Boo, are you okay? why are you crying?"
"I-I don't know Bee, maybe it's tears of joy"

I say smiling weakly at him while still sobbing. He rubbed my tears away with his thumb.

"Well that's okay as long it isn't from sadness, but still, don't cry, whatever the reason is, seeing you cry makes my heart ache."

I chuckled at his comment and retorted with,

"I could say the same to you"

We both chuckled and soon drifted to sleep, cuddling each other.

Oh, I was in the dream again, I haven't been here for a while, so it's nice. It was back to the same setting that I was in when I first got here, it was a sunny day in a field of sunflowers, surrounded my bees and butterflies. I see dream Tubbo walked up to me all smiley.

"Hey there, I haven't seen you in a while"
"Yeah, guess it's been a while"
"It has, and this probably also be the last time"
"Why is that?"
"Because you finally got what you desired"

We stayed silent for a while, just admiring the view and just listening to nature's background noises.

"Well, it was nice meeting Ranboo"
"Will I ever get to see you again?"
"You don't need too, you've got one in the real life"

I paused and gave him a hug, and he hugged back.

"Farewell Boo, go enjoy yourself with the real Tubbo"

After that, he disappeared, and so as the dream. I was back to sleeping normally, but I still cried in reality since he was the one who truly helped me out the most.

Kiss Through the Mask: Beeduo [REMASTERED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora