Chapter 17: Brave but Not Safe

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{Tubbos POV}

I heard the doorbell ring, and I knew, that it was him, he was here. I looked over Ranboo and he gave me a nod. We both got out of the room and headed downstairs, though Ranboo stayed in the stairs for distance I guess. I opened the door to reveal my father, looking strict as usual. He looked down at me, with frustration in his eyes, he looked like he was about to hit me 'til he spoke up.

"Tch, why didn't you open the door earlier, you fucking slacker"

He clicked his tongue, and pushed his way through. He took a glance at the house then turned to Ranboo who was in the stairs, just standing there. He looked at him up and down, observing him before he looked back at me.

"Who is this man?"
"Oh well uhh- he's a friend"
"U-uhm well, he's staying here for a few months..."
"Hmm, is that so? Why didn't you tell me then"

I flinched as I hear his voice raise in anger, I took a deep breath and sighed before replying to him.

"Oh well, I thought mother had already told you..."
"She didn't tell me shit!"

He smacked my head with one of the suitcases he was holding, and I fell onto the floor, with the ringing sound in my head, it hurts. I see Ranboo run at me, and holding me at the corner of my eye. I see rage in Ranboos eyes, and I just gave him a look saying 'don't snap', and he took the message and sighed, and looked at my father.

"Excuse me Sir, but why are you hurting your son?"

He said it while raising his voice with anger in his eyes, he looked like he was gonna be beat my father into a pulp, which I won't complain, but I don't think I'll ever see Ranboo again if he does.

"That's not your business kid, plus he's used to this now"

I feel his fists clench and and his grip on me became tighter. I know that this isn't the time to be simping, but damn, Boo being angry and aggressive got me feeling different.

"Sir, I don't think this is the type of thing you get used to"
"Why do you care huh?"

I cut him off, and gave him a reassuring look to calm him down, and looked back up to my father.

"Sorry about him, father, he won't disrespect you ever again"
"Tch he better not be, I don't wanna hit another kid that isn't me"
"I promise father"

I bowed my head to him like a fucking servant, but that's what he wants, he wants to establish dominance in this house, and treat him like a king. He chuckled mischievously and spoke up again.

"Good boy, and I've got to say Tobias, you are a great son"

He paused, probably looking at Ranboo, and continued"

"But you have shit friends"

I gulped and sighed, just wishing he won't do anything to Boo. He chuckled once more and spoke up again.

"Now get up Tobias, don't be a weakling and get my stuff to my room"
"Yes father"

I struggled to get up, but Boo helped me, which my father glared at but shook it off afterwards. I helped him get his suitcases and luggages onto his room as Ranboo followed. I just signaled him to go to our room, and we'll be talking later, and my father noticed.

"You and that boy share the same bedroom?"
"Yes father..."
"That's kind of odd, why are two men sharing the same room, but at least tell me not you're not sharing the same bed"
"Well... we a-are"
"Thats absurd!"
"Were just friends father, please do not fret"
"Tch, whatever. Now where's Lani and Teagan, I wish to speak to them"
"Ahh, I think Lani is in her room, and Teagan... is with grandma"
"sigh, what a fucking pain"

He said as I placed his suitcases and luggages in the floor of his room. I excused myself from him, and went to my shared bedroom with Boo. I see him sitting in our bed, possibly thinking of something, so I sat down beside him and gave him a peck on the cheek. He blushed as he turned to look at me.

"Well I haven't had those in a while"
"Well that's all you'll get for now, since a problem has arrived into the house"

He sighed, and went back to looking down at his hands. I guess he was trying to find away to protect me from my father. So I began to warn him about later at dinner.

"He's probably gonna ask some uncomfortable questions later on as we sit in the dinner later, so be prepared"
He sighed before replying,
"Will do"

We chuckled and spent the rest of the afternoon just cuddling while thinking of some plans on how to avoid my fathers wrath. This used to be scary, planning the resistance of him, but now that Boo is here to accompany me, it feels fun now, like were in some secret mission or something. It was now dinner time and I heard my mom calling for us, she must've came home earlier. So we headed downstairs to eat, safe to say that the atmosphere at the dinner table was pretty intense, at first it was awkward silence then father proceeds to ask personal questions to Ranboo, which he took pretty well, even if my father pushed his American hatred onto Boo. Dinner finally ended and we headed upstairs while Teagan was being interrogated by father for not reminding him that she'll be in grandmas house. Let's just say that it didn't end well for her, we heard her scream and cry. I tensed up and clench onto Ranboo since we were cuddling, and he gave me reassuring circles in my back, and I slowly drifted to sleep whilst crying, and Ranboo just didn't mind me and said,

"Good night Bee"
"Good night Boo"

We both said as we drifted to sleep, and him kissing me a good nights kiss. I feel safe with him, but if I get too comfortable, he might try to ruin what we have...

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