-The Rise of The Vigilante-

Start from the beginning

???: I'll be there in a second!

A woman's voice called as the sound of fire filled the shop, I chuckled when I saw a dirty hand reach through the beads feeling for the fire extinguisher before dragging it through the beads, the sound of the fire extinguisher blasted from the doorway before the orange glow faded along with the sounds of the fire....fight, ha! see what I did there... Oh Oum I'm turning into Yang.

*cough* ...Anyway, as I was saying the sounds died down before the beads formed the shape of a person who continued walking making the beads part revealing a woman who was about thirty, she had long brown hair that was turned into a loose ponytail a bandana held her ponytail in place, there was a small rope of slightly burnt flowers in her hair as her face was covered in sweat and grime as she had just finished working the forge, she had sun-kissed skin, her muscles were defined but not bulky, She had deep blue eyes, atop her eyes were sharp but thin eyebrows her eyes were wrinkled at the edges which were probably due to how often she laughed, a pearly white grin adorned her face as she placed her hands on her hips before looking at me grin somehow widening.

???: Altair! My favourite customer, how you doin'?

She asked before trying to dive at me with her arms spread ready to hug me, I grabbed her hers and held her away from me, my face scrunching up as I got a whiff of her unwashed body, I gagged as she stared at me puzzled.

???: what's wrong, kid?

Altair: your filthy, go wash, Holly

Yes, this woman was Holly, she was the owner of this blacksmith shop and I was here for a custom order I had put in.

After waiting for a short while Ruby entered the shop and told me she was going home with yang who had finished talking with her friends. Holly returned looking a hundred times cleaner.

Holly: so I presume you want your order?

She asked with a small smile as I nodded she went back into the smithy after the rumbling sound of Holly searching for my order she returned with one item which was my katana it had a new sheath allowing me to coat the blade in dust to use with my own semblance. The sheath had the stem of a rose flowing up the sheath with the hilt forming the blooming rose, the end of the hilt was the face of a crow whose feathers coiled around the grip of the blade, the wrap on the hilt was leather cut into feather-like shapes, they carved out of steel with the shadows making most of the details reveal themselves.

Holly: you better be grateful for that it was a bitch to forge, why do you wanna fight with something that belongs in the art gallery?

She asked with a defeated smile making me chuckle as I grabbed the katana and unsheathed it revealing the blade which had at the beginning of the blade a small gold symbol which was my father's it was surrounded by swirls of the pattern weld which slightly hypnotized me as I took in the blade's beauty.
Holly then clicked her fingers in front of my eyes, her face showing her impatience at my slow admiration of the blade.

Holly: now I hope you aren't forgetting that you need to pay the rest of the fee.

Altair: I'm not

I said as I swiped my card on the card machine which beeped and flashed green, Holly took the receipt and placed it in the till, before looking back up at me.

Holly: well, pleasure doin' business with ya and don't break that masterpiece too quickly this time.

She said with a small glare before returning to a normal grin. I nodded with a smile before leaving the shop and clipping blooming Rose to my waist, I then went to the school car park and saw my bike.

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