-Joining A Cause-

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A/n: ok, so I'm posting this chapter early as it's sort of a continuation of the last one, hope you enjoy it anyway!
3rd Person Pov

Summer awoke in a pure white room a monitor was to the left of her and on her right was a small table with a jug of water and a few glasses.
As summer took in her surroundings she saw a single-window that revealed a large metropolis with large, triangular-shaped ships and what looked like specks of silver that flew between the buildings, her eyes widened in shock upon seeing such an advanced city, it was centuries ahead of Atlas, as she thought this a venator flew overhead causing the room to shake, the Venator lacked its original red stripe. She then saw it land lowering its ramp as a sea of troopers marched out she saw an army ready to face vicious combat.
She turned her vision slightly and saw a row of docks where Venators were being unloaded, her face was slightly pale imagining how easily they could take over the world in numbers alone, add the technology and they are unstoppable.

Summer: where am I?


Summer's head snapped to the door to be met with a man in his early60ss, he had greying brown hair with battle-hardened silvery grey eyes, summer recognised him from some of the Atlas councillor speeches when he was in office, he was ex councilour Tarkin.

Tarkin: you are in the medical facility in Coruscant, I'm glad to see you awake Mrs Branwen-Rose, when you arrived we didn't know when you would awaken.

Summer: How long was I unconscious for?

Tarkin: you have been unconscious for the last week, we noticed a search party went to the village where we rescued you to dispose of any evidence...

He said as Summers's eyes widened in horror as she realised it was a trap to draw her out and kill her.

Summer: why would Ozpin want me dead? It makes no sense, I'm one of the only silver-eyed warriors left so why kill me off?

Tarkin: I fear it has more to do with you being close to discovering the truth than your benefits to him.

Tarkin said as Summer stared at him with narrowed eyes.

Summer: explain.

Tarkin: He doesn't want you or any of your old teammates to discover the truth behind the Massacre at Mustafar.

Summer took a few steps back in shock not expecting to hear about the event that took y/n from them.

Summer: w-what is the t-truth?

She asked as she fought off tears from leaking from her silver orbs. Tarkin saw her distress and motioned her to sit on the bed which she did before letting out a shaky breath.

Tarkin: I'm going to tell you about the rise of the empire and the events that led up to the mutilation of y/n l/n.

Summer: m-mutilation?

Summer asked hesitantly as horror twisted onto her tear struck face, Tarkin sighed before starting.

Tarkin: it all started when he met a woman... A woman named Salem. He saved her and treated her injuries and over time they fell in love and his life was at an all-time high, he was the most celebrated huntsman alive, his friends were all having families and he had met the love of his life but nothing lasts forever,

As he listed each emotional high for y/n Summer saw images on Tarkin's scroll which displayed each happiness that y/n had before his next image was the burnt remains of a large house, flowers laid in tribute.

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