Bonus 1 | Victor's POV

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Dedicated to NiaDninja

When I walked out of my father's office, I felt as though a million pounds were resting on my back.

"I'll make you proud," I had said, earning myself a stoic nod, piling a few more weights on my shoulder.

I had always said that, and I had always delivered, no matter how much I had not wanted to follow through. After all, I was the Alpha's heir, and I had to do whatever it takes to maintain the status of our pack, the status of my family... my own status as an heir.

Celine was waiting for me along the corridor, twirling her fingers about the family insignia at the back of her hand. My lips tugged into a smile.

"Hey, baby."

Her head shot up. "Vic! How was it?"

"Same old." I cradled her head and kissed her forehead, then her nose, then her lips. "Some strategic discussions, a lecture of why this is so important, the usual."

"You're... really gonna go fight the bears?" Celine asked.

"Of course. We've been preparing for weeks. You know Father doesn't back down on these things." I caressed her furrowed brows. "Don't look so glum, Cel. I'll be back before you know it."

Her frown deepened instead. "I'm coming with you."

A sharp pang of guilt stabbed my heart. "No, Cel, stay here."

"Why? I can fight too! I'm strong!"

"I know that, but you need to stay here."

"No!" Celine exclaimed. She closed her eyes to calm herself a little before continuing, "I'm scared, Vic, I'm super scared. It's the werebears, they're huge, and I... I want to be by your side and make sure you're safe."

"And I want to make sure you're safe by making you stay," was what I wanted to say. But I knew that that would make her want to come along even more.

I sighed. "I need you to stay and protect Bodie, Cel. Can you do that for me?"

A small glint appeared in her eyes and she nodded. Celine had always had an overly protective attitude towards my younger sibling, so this request was not one she could reject.

"Fine," she said reluctantly. "But... you'll come back soon, right?"

"Of course. Have I ever lost a fight, hm?"

She shook her head.

"See? And I won't lose this time, either. Trust me." I lifted her chin and planted a kiss on her lips.

That seemed to convince her, and she melted into my arm. I let the embrace last for as long as she needed it to be. Then, I did some last-minute equipment checks with the other people coming with me and we marched out of the building.

When we reached the edge of the territory, I spotted Bodie standing next to the sign and staring intensely at the words.

"Hey, Bodie," I called, keeping the tone of my voice as lighthearted as possible.

They lifted their head. "Hey, Victor." Their eyes flickered over to my bag and the rest of the crew. "We're really going to war with the werebears?"

"Seems like it."

They frowned. "What did the werebears even do to us?"

Nothing, but I couldn't say that. If the Alpha wanted to go to war over petty drama, that was what we needed to do. Bodie did not understand that, of course. They never did understand a lot of the werewolf customs.

I shrugged. "It's just a feud that lasted for years. We'll put an end to it, don't worry."

Bodie did not look like they believed that, but they stuffed their hands in their pockets and nodded hesitantly. Once again, I was reminded of how much they remind me of our late mother. The gentleness, the softness, or... the weakness, as Father had called it.

Ever since Mom's death, Father had been a lot harder on Bodie, and I knew it was because they resembled her, just a little too much.

But Bodie was not weak. They had a type of strength that my father couldn't recognize yet. A type that stemmed from a good heart, that kept people around them motivated. It was a strength that I admired.

I patted my hand on Bodie's shoulder. "While I'm gone, keep Celine safe, won't you?"

"Do you mean the other way around?" they said with a chuckle.

"Maybe." I laughed. I noticed their downcast eyes and added, "It's fine, Bodie. We are the alpha creatures of the world. We won't lose. I'll be back before you know it."

Again, they did not look like they believed that. And for a moment, I did not believe myself either.

But I had to. I had to believe it, and I had to win. If not for myself, but for Celine, Bodie, and the pack. I forced a grin.

"See you, buddy." I gave their head a cheeky pat before marching into the forest.

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